2021 Fall: 五專財金四年級 English 4

A tentative syllabus


課程名稱: 英文 ()

授課教師: 賴淑麗 (Shu-li Sally Lai)

授課班級: 五專財金系四年級

學分/時數: 3/3

E-mail: shulilai@gmail.com

Time: Monday (13:30 to 17:10)

Class website: https:www.shulilai.idv.tw

Room: 7

Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/yxz-nxow-mpu


Classroom materials

  1. Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014) (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃政瑋先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027)
    A. 網購 (https://is.gd/Ajq3hP) 原價不打折 ($570), 運費書商吸收
    B. 直接到東華書局業務部採購 (享團購價85%, NT 485)業務部地址: 台北市重慶南路一段147號5樓  (周一~周五, 9:00~17:50)
  2. Online materials and handouts.

Classroom Evaluation

Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 35% Midterm Exam: 20% Project: 20%

TOEIC: 15% ( 為配合高教深耕計畫,本課程實施英語文能力檢測,佔學期成績15%) Participation: 10%

Course Objective

This is a one-year four-skill integrated course that prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentations. 



Group Project

To be announced

Course Requirements

1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. Please log in to the class 5 minutes earlier and check your mic and webcam. 
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week. (Zuvio & Blackboard)






Holiday (No Class)


Background Questionnaire (link)

Three Adjective (link)
Chapter 1 Cultural studies: The lessons of travel

#1 Vocabulary 1
– Preview Reading One
– Finish the vocabulary worksheet and submit it to Blackboard (10/2 midnight due).


Chapter 1 Reading ONe Tony the Traveler
Group Work: Link

#2 Finish the handout “Introduction to TOEIC” and submit it to BB. (10/11 23:59 due)
– Review Reading One
– Listen to the audio one more time.
– Memorize the 12 words you listed for the vocabulary exercise last week.


Holiday (No Class)

– Finish the exercise on page 6 and page 7 of your book: Synonyms, Word forms. Write your answers in your books.


Chapter 1 Reading ONe Tony the Traveler

– Check the pop quiz on 10/4 (5 true & false questions on Zuvio)
– More grammar from Reading One
– Discussion of the exercises
– An introduction to TOEIC and some resources you can use.
1. Score converter http://www.wie.ac.nz/TOEICconversion.htm
2. TOEIC (Taiwan) https://www.toeic.com.tw/

– Preview Reading Two
– Memorize the words


Chapter 1 Reading 2 The benefits of Studying Abroad
1. TOEIC (Taiwan) https://www.toeic.com.tw/
2. TOEIC 模擬練習系統
History of Halloween
1. A short article (link)
2. A short video (video)

1. 校務系統 =>語言線上測試平台 (News) => TOEIC 模擬測驗 => 開放課程 => 單元練習 => Part 1 (Photographs) 第1 to 4 回 (每回六張圖)
2. Finish the exercises (Reading Two)


  1. Chapter 1 Reading 2 The benefits of Studying Abroad
  2. English for Emails (link)
  3. TOEIC (Photograph)
  1. Preview Chapter 3 Reading 1. Be ready for  T & F questions next week.
  2. 校務系統 =>語言線上測試平台 (News) => TOEIC 模擬測驗 => 開放課程 => 單元練習 => Part 2 (Question and Response) 第1 回 (25 題)


Chapter 3 Reading 1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients. 

Finish the exercises (p. 54 to 58)


Chapter 3 Reading 1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients.
Vocabulary for health problem (link)
Some discussion on Part 2 (TOEIC)

Be ready for the midterm exam.


Midterm Exam 校務系統 =>語言線上測試平台 (News) => TOEIC 模擬測驗 => 開放課程 => 完整測驗


TOEIC 考試 (全校型測驗)
Guidelines for the group project (1)


Guidelines for the group project (2)
1. Eight secrets of success (Speed, body language, quality of ppt)
2. What’s wrong with our food system (speed, body language
3. A twelve-year-old app developer (speed, body language, pronunciation note)
4. Try something new for 30 days (speed, body language, facial expression, PowerPoint slide, humor)
5. Grit: The power of passion and perseverance.


G1 Thinking out loud (link)
G2 Beautiful mistakes (link)
G3 Take me home, country road


G4 Try everything (link)
G5 Counting stars (link)
G6 In the name of love (link)

Preview Chapter 3.2 A simple diagnosis
Be ready for a T & F questions


G7 The whole  new world
G8 Someone in the crowd
G9 City of stars


Chapter 3 Reading 2 A simple diagnosis
Chapter 3 Reading 3 Water is shown to help people lose weight

Review the vocabulary and be ready for the last quiz.


Quiz & Wrap-up


1. Read the three articles (T & F)
A. Chapter 4 Reading 1 Bloom’s taxonomy
B. Chapter 4 Reading 2 The Mayonnaise Jar and two cups of coffee
C. Chapter 4 Reading 3 A teacher’s lasting impression
2. Listen to English on a daily basis
A. All Ears English (link)
B. Studio Classroom (link)
C. 好想講英文 (link)
D. 阿滴學英文 (link)

3. Go to  the library and borrow books:

A. TOEIC listening, TOEIC vocabulary, TOEIC grammar (find new books)
B. 牛津書蟲系列 (link)

Be ready for a quiz the first week of next semester.
1. T & F
2. Vocabulary

以上所有課程每堂課皆對應以下指標校核心能力:外語能力、專業素養 通識課程核心能力:語言思辯表達、問題溝通解

Note. We’ll adjust the schedule as we go along.