
A tentative syllabus


課程名稱: 英文(一) 授課教師: 賴淑麗 (Shu-li Sally Lai)
授課班級: 四技通識 學分/時數: 2/2
E-mail: shulilai@gmail.com Time: Wednesday (13:30 to 15:15)
Class website: https://bb.ntub.edu.tw/ Room: 視聽教室 Room 5
Classroom materials
  1. Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014) NT 485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃政瑋先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027)
  2. Online materials and handouts.
Classroom Evaluation
Midterm: 20%; Final Exam: 20; Quiz: 20% Assignments: Chat Worksheet and Sharing: 20% TOEIC Test: 10%
Speaking and Writing (10%) 全校統一 (Writing 5%, My ET 5%)
Course Objective
In this one-year, four-skill integrated course, students will strengthen their language skills essential for college-level coursework. It covers skills and strategies for effective reading and writing, vocabulary building, critical thinking, and academic presentation. Students will be encouraged to discuss and write about the ideas they discover in readings to become better speakers and writers of English. Additionally, students will engage in a variety of activities, including group discussions, personal sharing, group projects, and presentations.

In the first semester, this class will integrate a chatbot as the students’ conversation partner for weekly interactions. This will provide students with practical speaking opportunities, aiming to improve their speaking confidence, vocabulary use, and learning motivation.

Group Project
To be announced
Course Requirements
Ground Rules:

  1. If you must miss a class due to an unavoidable circumstance (e.g., sick leave, injury, or a family emergency), please notify me in advance by email.
  2. There will be no late assignments or make-up tests.
  3. Please turn your cell phone to silent mode during class. You may use your mobile phone during class only for dictionary lookup or information searching related to the lesson.
  4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials presented in class and in the textbooks. Please preview and review the class materials every week.
Date Content Activities Assignments
  • Orientation to the class and to the study
  • New Students, get to know each other
  • Students sign the consent form
  • Background Questionnaire
  • Order the book
下周將執行全校深耕計畫, 請自備2B鉛筆, 將準時開始考試, 請務必準時
開學第一週, 班級將微調, 請於下周上課前再次確認自己的所屬班級
  • TOEIC Test (Listening, Reading)
全校深耕計畫, 請自備2B鉛筆
將準時開始考試, 請務必準時
  • Introduce CoolE Bot to students
  • Hands-on Exercise
  • *10-minute robot chat
  • Chapter 1 Cultural Studies: The Lessons of Travel (Chapter 1.1)
Pre-Test (Speaking & Writing)
  • Chapter 1 CulturalStudies: The Lessons of Travel (Chapter 1.1)
  • Share your chat experiences (in groups)
* Chat  (1 career from invited talk)
  • Share your chat experiences (in groups)
  • Chapter 1 Cultural Studies: The Lessons of Travel (Chapter 1.2)
* Chat 2 (1 career from invited talk)
  • Chapter 1 Cultural Studies: The Lessons of Travel (Chapter 1.2)
  • Share your chat experience (in group)
*Chat 3 (1 career from invited talk)
  • Chapter 3 Health Science: High Tech, Low Tech, No Tech (Chapter 3.1)
  • Share your chat experience (in group)
* Chat 4 (1 career from invited talk)
  • Health Science: High Tech, Low Tech, No Tech (Chapter 3.3)
  • Review
11/6 Midterm Exam
  • Discuss Midterm Exam
  • Introduce the second part of the Chatbot Activities (Chat with Famous People) to students
*Chat 5 (1 career from invited talk)
  • Share your chat experience (in groups)
  • Chapter 5 Psychology: Theories and Intelligence (5.1)
*Chat 6 (Famous People)
  • Share your chat experience (in groups)
  • Chapter 5 Psychology: Theories and Intelligence (5.1)
*Chat 7 (Famous People)
  • Share your chat experience (in groups)
  • Chapter 5 Psychology: Theories and Intelligence (5.2)
*Chat 8 (Famous People)
12/11 Chapter 5 Psychology: Theories and Intelligence (Chapter 5.2)

  • 10-minute robot chat
Follow-up interview, by appointment (chatbot experience)
  • Post test (TOEIC Speaking Test)
  • Evaluation Questionnaire
  • Holiday Tradition 2
1/1 Holiday (No Class)
1/8 Wrap-Up

校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決

  1. 校核心能力指標: 實務技能(50%), 創意創新 (15%), 數位化 (25%)
  2. 系核心能力指標: 商管實務技能 (80%), 創意創新整合(20%)
  3. 全英語教材/9周以上外語授課
  4. SDG: 4 & 8

Note: The syllabus is subject to change based on the progress and needs of the class.