2022 Spring: 四技通識英語聽說

2022 Spring: Listening & Speaking Blogs

Your Blogs (Spring, 2022)
English Listening & Speaking


No. ID Class Name English Name Blog URL
1 11036012 二技資管 詹項淮 Kenny https://kennybloglands.blogspot.com
2 10942021 四技財金二甲 黃葦庭 Sandy https://sss0813.blogspot.com
3 10943089 四技財稅二乙 劉宇瑄 Elva https://lyxelva1012.blogspot.com
4 10943005 四技財稅二甲 柯欣儀 Cindy https://hsinyi06.blogspot.com
5 N1074425 四技財稅四乙 黃芳郁 Ivy https://fangyuhuang.blogspot.com
6 10743006 四技財稅四甲 李明珊 Becky https://becky33333.blogspot.com
7 10743030 四技財稅四甲 曾煜翔 Yu https://yusbloginntub.blogspot.com
8 10944072 四技商務二乙 高禹辰 Chen https://yuchen910320.blogspot.com
9 10944076 四技商務二乙 賴崇德 Ken https://kenlisteningblog.blogspot.com
10 10944094 四技商務二乙 曾長盛 Alan https://0822alan.blogspot.com
11 10944016 四技商務二甲 周冠銘 Gary https://garyblog0827.blogspot.com
12 10944040 四技商務二甲 周麗嫦 Onnee https://onneechow.blogspot.com
13 10944041 四技商務二甲 陳嘉慧 Amanda https://amanda0706.blogspot.com
14 10941069 四技會資二乙 廖映蓉 Rae https://rong1008.blogspot.com
15 10941072 四技會資二乙 許惟智 Willy https://williehsu123.blogspot.com
16 10941074 四技會資二乙 陳俐裴 Betty https://lili0303.blogspot.com
17 10941083 四技會資二乙 許雯涵 Hazel https://qwer0302.blogspot.com
18 10941015 四技會資二甲 王心妤 Sarah https://10941015wangnuyu.blogspot.com
19 10946014 四技資管二甲 林晉德 Jared https://jaredamancy.blogspot.com
20 10946028 四技資管二甲 姚承佑 Yao https://gmikemike.blogspot.com


2022 Spring: 四技通識 Intermediate English Listening and Speaking


A tentative syllabus


課程名稱: Intermediate English Listening and Speaking

授課教師: 賴淑麗 (Shu-li Sally Lai)

授課班級: 四技通識

學分/時數: 2/2

E-mail: shulilai@gmail.com

Time: Wednesday (15:25 to 17:10)

Class website: https://bb.ntub.edu.tw

Room: 視7

 Google meet: https://meet.google.com/smo-ydcy-xrg

Group discussion

Classroom materials

1. Six Minute English
2. All Ears English
3. VOA Learning English
4. TED Talk
5. Other online materials (to be announced)

Classroom Evaluation

Quizzes, assignments, participation (in-class & after-class): 55% Group work: 20% Project: 25%

Course Objective

Course Objective
In this course, students will further enhance and develop their speaking and listening skills. By the end of the class, students will be able to do the following:

* Listen for main ideas and details
* Predict content
* Note-taking
* Using context clues to understand what you hear

* Interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity
* Take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts
* Present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to their field of interest
* Explain a viewpoint on a topical issue
* Students will also improve their pronunciation.

Class activities include lectures, pair work, group discussion, and presentation.

Group Project

To be announced

Course Requirements

Participation and Attendance
1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Please do not use your mobile phone during class unless it’s used for dictionary lookup or information searching.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.


Your Blogs (Google Doc)
Weekly Presentation (link)




2/23 Orientation
Learning a language? Speak it like you’re playing a video game (link)
3/2 1. Internet & Listening
2. The History of the Conflict of Russia and the Ukraine Explained (link)
3. Create your own blog (link)
4. What is a blog? (link)
#1 What could the world or other countries do to help Ukraine and its people?
1. Create your blog and add the URL on the name list

2. Five keywords to look up (definition, one example sentence)
3. What could the world or other countries do to help Ukraine and its people? (at least 50 words)
Due on Sunday (3/6, midnight)
3/9 Everyday English: All Ears English 1

  • AEE 1692: A Fun and Fresh Way to Say No Thank You in English (link)

What sanctions have Western nations already imposed? (link)

#2 Listen to the podcast (AEE1692) and give two more examples of “I’m good.”
For example:
A. Is there anything else I can help you with?
B. I’m good.
1. Preview& Review
2. Explore some new features of the blog
3. Improve your assignment 1 (add, revise, delete)
3/16 Everyday English: All Ears English 2

  • AEE 1482: Is Bad Always Bad In English? (link)
  • Download the app and install Install the app on your phone
  • Weekly Presentation (link)
#3 Listen to the episode one more time.
1. Learn the slags in this episode.
2. Give examples for THREE of the slangs discussed in this episode: baddest, sick, destroy, crush
3/23 Vocabulary and Fluency 1 1. Hands-on Exercise 1 (hand it in next week)
2. Explore one more episode from All Ears English
3/30 Vocabulary and Fluency 2 1. Hands-on Exercise 2 (hand it in next meeting).
2. Try 好想講英文 (link), and listen to at least 2 videos that interest you.
4/6 Spring Break (No class)
4/13 Quiz 1
Topic 1: Body language online (link)

  • 8 Top Tips For Improving Your Body Language During Virtual Meetings (link)
Assignment #4 Body Language Online
1. Review the episode we discussed today.
2. Read the article: 8 top tips for improving your body language during the virtual meeting (link)
3. What are two of the important aspects of body language you want to improve the most when having an online meeting/class next time? Why? (50 words at least) Due on Sunday.
4/20 Topic 2: The food delivery revolution (link) Review topic 2 and preview topic 3.
Be ready for another quiz.
No blog post assignment this week.
4/27 Topic 3: Why take a gap year? (link) Assignment #5 Why take a gap year?
Every person’s gap year will look a little different, but, if you take one, what will you probably do? Why? (50 words at least, due on Sunday)
1. Take a break from studying
2. Find a job
3. Travel (Where)
4. Volunteer
5. Spend more time with your family
6. Spend some time away from your family
7. Others?
5/4 Topic 4: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator (link)
Tim Urban’s blog (link): You can check the popular posts
1. Listen to the talk again.
2. Add at least 3 gadgets to your blogs
3. Begin to work on your term project.
3. Preview Topic 5.
5/11 1. Review some keywords
2. Topic 5: Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address (link)
3. Local news (link)
1. Listen to Steve Jobs’ talk again and look up the difficult words.
2. Read the local news about the COVID outbreak.
5/18 – Topic 5: Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address (link)
– Why Steve Jobs’ 2005 commencement speech is the most-watched in history (link)
– Linggle (link)
Assignment #6 Steve Jobs’ 2005 Standford Commencement Address
– How did the talk affect you?
– How does this talk catch the listeners’ attention (or does it all)?
– Has the talk changed your mind about something? If so, explain how.
– Has the talk left you with any questions?
– Does the talk relate to anything from your past life experiences?
– Does the talk agree with any of your past life experiences?
50 words, at least (due on Sunday)
5/25 Topi 6: How to make stress your friend? (link)
6/1 Oral Presentation (link)
G1: On being wrong (link)
G2: The secrets of learning a new language (link)
6/8 G3: How do you define yourself? (link)
G4: How great leaders inspire action (link) (link)
Online voice recorder (link): easy to record and share
Assignment #7 Shadowing
1. Find a TED talk or an episode from Six Minute English. 2. Listen and shadow as many times as you need, pay attention to the intonation, pause, accent, and speaker’s mouth.
3. Record yours and upload it to your blog (using Vocaroo).
4. Provide the link to the talk and indicate the part of the talk you shadow (indicate the time: 1:10 to 2:10).
One mintue will do.
Due on Sunday.
6/15 G5: How Netflix changed entertainment — and where it’s headed (link)
G6: The paradox of efficiency (link)
6/22 Wrap-Up



通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決

We’ll adjust the schedule as we go along.