2023 Fall: 四技通識 (EN3)

2023 Fall English 3 Blog

Blog (English 3, Fall, 2023)

Class Name Name URL
1 四技企管二乙 陳子樊 Elane https://elane7an.blogspot.com
2 四技企管二甲 林芳華 Ivy https://LinHua4501.blogspot.com
3 四技企管二甲 粘惠婷 Betty https://huiting1001.blogspot.com
4 四技企管二甲 田靜宜 Amy https://tientien0404.blogspot.com
5 四技財金二甲 林姿妘 Angela https://ziyunlin.blogspot.com
6 四技財金二甲 莊忻穎 Sherry https://sin1216yin.blogspot.com
7 四技財金二甲 林育茹 Ada https://yurulin0504.blogspot.com
8 四技財金二甲 阮玉霸王 Ted https://teddatedd.blogspot.com
9 四技財稅二乙 楊雅絜 CoCo https://blog11043082.blogspot.com
10 四技財稅二乙 簡語霈 Penny https://11143072.blogspot.com
11 四技財稅二甲 鄭筠潔 Sky https://skycheng1717.blogspot.com
12 四技財稅二甲 陳佳琪 Alicia https://ALICIASBLOGGGGGG.blogspot.com
13 四技財稅二甲 李靜怡 Lily https://lily11031103.blogspot.com
14 四技財稅二甲 吳品嫺 Crystal https://crystal0806.blogspot.com
15 四技財稅二甲 盧靜萱 Anny https://annylu1014.blogspot.com
16 四技財稅二甲 劉馨潞 Lulu https://luluuuu23.blogspot.com
17 四技商務二乙 許舒涵 Helen https://helen123aaa306.blogspot.com
18 四技商務二甲 蕭嘉材 Taylor https://tayloor03.blogspot.com
19 四技商務二甲 邵家楹 Una https://unaying1205.blogspot.com
20 四技商務二甲 鄭秀美 Emily https://xiumei0429.blogspot.com
21 四技商務二甲 彭郁媗 Anna https://yu1025.blogspot.com
22 四技會資二乙 胡芷翎 Vivi https://vivivivi1215.blogspot.com
23 四技會資二乙 洪子苓 Lora https://zerooo456.blogspot.com
24 四技會資二乙 李嘉倩 Kelly https://kellylee0505.blogspot.com
25 四技會資二甲 陳智傑 Leo https://leo-the-artist.blogspot.com
26 四技會資二甲 陳柏丞 Benny https://BennyChen11.blogspot.com
27 四技會資二甲 田旻卉 Nancy https://1141013.blogspot.com
28 四技資管二甲 何國瑋 Walle https://walle4561.blogspot.com
29 四技資管二甲 沈宛宣 Sharon https://wanxuan173.blogspot.com
30 四技資管二甲 柯妤蓁 Rebecca https://rebecca1104.blogspot.com
31 四技資管二甲 趙明威 Willie https://mingwei0826.blogspot.com
32 四技資管二甲 王暘嘉 Anila https://yanjiablog.blogspot.com
33 四技資管二甲 黃政 Wynn https://wynnsohigh.blogspot.com

2023 Fall: 四技通識 English 3


A tentative syllabus


課程名稱: 英文三

授課教師: 賴淑麗 (Shu-li Sally Lai)

授課班級: 四技通識英文(三)

學分/時數: 2/2

E-mail: shulilai@gmail.com

Time: Wednesday (15:25 to 17:10)

Class website: https://bb.ntub.edu.tw/

Room: 視聽教室 Room 5

Blog: link

Classroom materials

Online materials and handouts.

Classroom Evaluation

Assignments and Quizzes: 50%; Self-Directed Learning Task:15% Reflection Paper: 15%; TOEIC: 20%

Course Objective


In this one-semester class, students will be introduced to various technologies and online resources that can be used to enhance their listening, speaking, and writing abilities. Students will explore these resources and discuss how they could cater to their learning needs. By the end of the course, students will be familiar with some useful tools and be able to apply them to their future learning.

Group Project

To be announced

Course Requirements

  1. If you must miss a class due to an unavoidable circumstance (e.g., sick leave, injury, or a family emergency), please notify me in advance by email.
  2. There will be no make-up tests, and late assignments will not be accepted.
  3. Please turn your cell phone to silent mode during class. Additionally, refrain from using your mobile phone during class, except for dictionary lookups or information searching.
  4. Remember to preview and review the class materials every week.





  • Orientation
  • Students sign the consent form
  • Background Questionnaire
An introduction to CALL (link)
Please preview Chapter 1.
9/20 – An introduction to CALL (from An invitation to CALL) (2021)
– Create your blog (submit the weekly assignment here)
What is a blog? (video) #1 Greetings
Introduce yourself to your readers in a clear and interesting way. Share a brief overview of who you are, your hobbies, and what makes you unique. Make sure to include a suitable photo of yourself alongside your introduction (60 words at least). Due on Sunday (midnight)
9/27 Podcast (1)

  • Podcast: Six Minute English (link)
  • Listening
  • Mine the data
  • Vocabulary and phrase learning
– A list of podcast (link) #2 Six Minute English (1)
– Listen to the podcast at least 2 times.
– Look at 5 words that you found challenging.
– Information to put
POS (Part of Speech)
Definition (either in English or Chinese)
A good example for each of the words.
10/4 Podcast (2)

  • All Ears English (link)
  • AEE 1248: Feeling Sick? How to Ask to Leave Work Early in English (link)
  • Listening practice
  • Mine the data
  • Vocabulary and phrase learning
– Some discussion about chatbot chatbots (link) #3 All Ears English
Explore All Ears English and select an episode that interests you. List three to 5  words, phrases, or sentences that you’ve learned.
10/11 Speaking (1)

  • Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
  • Thought sharing
  • Add gadgets to your blog
CoolEnglish (link) #4 Speaking Exercises
Finish the speaking exercises (due 10/15 Sunday, 23:59).
Let’s speak English (Level 2) => Lesson 2: The interview
10/18 Speaking (2)

  • CoolE Bot
#5 Chatbot 1
Chat with 3 selected bots (career).
10/25 Speaking (3)

  • CoolE Bot
#6 Chatbot 2
Chat with 2 selected bots (famous people).
11/1 News English
– 6 Fetching News Article Resources for ESL Students Online (link)
– Breaking News English (link)
– News in Levels (link)
– Focus Taiwan (link)
#7 News Read a piece of news from the websites we explored today.
2. Add the link to your blog (indicate the source).
3. You can either summarize the news or comment on the news (100 words, at least). Due on Sunday.
11/8 News English
– BBC Learning English=> News Review (link)
– VOA Learning English => Voice of America (link)
#8 Add at least three gadgets to your blogs.
– Dictionaries
– News
– Vocabulary
– My friends’ blog
– Podcast/Radio etc…
11/15 Writing (1)
Grammarly (link)
Quillbot (link)
ChatGPT (link)
#9 Writing tools

  • Explore the tools we introduced today: Grammarly, Quillbot, and ChatGPT.
  • Use the tools to revise Assignment 1 (Greetings) or Assignment 7 (News).
  • Indicate Version 1, Version 2, and which tools you used.
  • Indicate your sequence:A. B. C.
11/22 TOEIC 全校統一施測
11/29 English for Specific Purposes

  • Open Courseware
  • EdX/Coursera
  • Academic Wordlist
Coursera: Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone
by Georgia Institute of Technology
Small Talk: Conversation Starters (link)
#10 Coursera
Finish the Week 1 material and be ready for a quiz next week.
– Small Talk
– Elevator Speech
Begin to work on your term project.
  • Others
  • Academic Wordlist (link1), headword (link2)
  • 每周新聞英文 (link)
Academic Wordlist (link1), headword (link2)
12/13 Self-Directed Learning Task (9)
My study plan: Share your learning plan
12/20 Self-Directed Learning Task (9)
My study plan: Share your learning plan
12/27 Self-Directed Learning Task (9)
My study plan: Share your learning plan
1/3 Self-Directed Learning Task (6)
Evaluation Questionnaire
1/10 Self-Reflection Due (paper-based and file on BB)



通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決

The syllabus is subject to change based on the progress and needs of the class.