2024 Spring: 四技通識選修

2024 Spring: 四技通識選修 Technology-Enhanced English Learning


A tentative syllabus


課程名稱: 科技輔助英語學習 Technology-Enhanced English Learning

授課教師: 賴淑麗 (Shu-li Sally Lai)

授課班級: 四技通識選修

學分/時數: 2/2

E-mail: shulilai@gmail.com

Time: Wednesday (15:25 to 17:10)

Class website: https://bb.ntub.edu.tw/

Room: 視聽教室 Room 5

Blog: Link

Classroom materials

Online materials and handouts

Classroom Evaluation

Assignments and Quizzes: 55%

Project: 20%

Participation: 10%
Reflection: 15%

Course Objective

1. 使用AI工具幫我們修正英文寫作 (TOEIC英文改錯系統, Grammarly, ChatGPT等工具)
2. 運用語音識工具以及聊天機器人來改善或加強英語發音和口語表達
3. 運用Podcast和TED影片來訓練聽力, 並增強單字力以及口說能力
4. 新聞英文網站(符合學生程度及需求, 可以輕鬆學英文的新聞網站)
5. 線上短篇小說 (有趣的繪本, 小說)
6. 其他

Group Project

To be announced

Course Requirements

1. Participation and Attendance:
– If you must miss a class due to unavoidable circumstances (e.g., illness, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
– Late assignments or make-up tests will not be permitted.
2. Mobile Phone Usage:
– Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class. Unless it’s being used for dictionary lookup or information searching, kindly refrain from using it during class.
3. Assignments and Quizzes:
– We do not have written midterm exam or final exam, but we do have regular assignments and quizzes. Need to be prepare and hand in your assignments on time.





2/21 – Orientation
– Get to know each other
2/28 Holiday (No Class) Cambridge Learners’ Dictionary (link)
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (link)
3/6 News English
1. http://www.coolenglish.edu.tw
2. Google bloggar
3. News English
Voice of America:
#1 Greeting post (free in length)
#2 News English
Read a piece of news, identify three words you wish to learn, and then summarize the news in three to five sentences.(due on Sunday)
3/13 News English
Voice of America (VOA)
– Link (link)
– About (link)
– Test your English Level
– English in a Minute (link)
Six Minute English (link)
Vocabulary for News and Media (link)
– 能力對照表 (link)
– 成績單 (link)
– 證書 (link)
– 測驗內容 (link)
– Converter (link)
News English: Vocabulary (Part 1)
1. Explore the two news websites and read sections (articles/topics) of your interests.
2. Be ready for the vocabulary test next week.
– General Media Vocabualry (20 keywords)
– The activites will help.
– Look up the words in the learners’ dictionary will help as well.
3/20 Vocabulary Learning
Vocabulary Games
#3 Listen to the talk: AI時代的英語學習力》(link)
and share your thoughts:
– Your main takeaways from the talk
– How AI may impact English learning
– the most surprising facts you learned
– How AI may impact your English learning or learning in general.
Length: Free in lenghth
Due on Sunday.
3/27 AI & Language Learning (1)
News in Level (link)
Explore TTS and see how it can help your English learning.
4/3 Spring Break
4/10 AI & Lanugage Learning (2) WordWall Exercises:
#4 ChatGPT: Provide 1 example about how you use the prompt to help your English learning. 
In your blog, please indicate:
– Your Prompt:
– Your results: Share the responses generated by ChatGPT based on your provided prompt.
– Comments on the Results: Reflect on the quality and effectiveness of the responses. Provide feedback on how well ChatGPT fulfilled the given task. (how do you like your responses)
# 4.1 WordWall Exercises
Due on Sunday
4/17 AI & Language Learning (3) #5 ChatGPT (more prompts)
– Try some prompts (features) we explore today and see how they can help
– Provide 1 example about how you use the prompt to help your English learning.
– Provide your evaluation, experience, observation, and feedback.
4/24 AI & Language Learning (4) Vocaroo (link) #6 Try a poem (20% + 80%)
1. Title
2. Text
3. Auidio file 1 (your choice, speed, male, female)
4. Aidop file 2 (your own voice) https://vocaroo.com/
5/1 AI & Language Learning (5) #7 Invited Talk
The career I’m interested in. Submit your work to gooogle drive (Due on Monday)
Print out a hard copy next week.
5/8 AI & Language Learning (6) #8 Famous People
5/15 YouTube and Language Learning
Language Reactor (link)
Guideline for the Project Sharing
Video 1 How to organize main idea (link)
Part 1 (Use plain langauge) (link)
Part 2 (Use concise sentence) (link)
Part 3: Use logical main points (link)
Part 4: Backing Up What You Say (link)
Listen to the 5 video clips.
5/22 Pressentation 1: Ken
My ET (link)
#9 My ET
5/29 Presentation 2:
Add the link, app, website to your blog.
6/5 Presentation 3
Begin to work on your reflection paper
6/12 Open Source
#10 Reflection Paper (Due on 6/15, upload to BB please)
6/19 Final Discussion



通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決

The syllabus is subject to change based on the progress and needs of the class.