
2015 Spring: 五專財金四年級Applied English


A tentative syllabus
科目名稱: 應用英文 Applied English 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 五專財金四甲 學分/時數: 2/2
Email: Time/Location: Monday (1:30 to 16:15) Language Lab (Lab 4)
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:

  1. Reach Out (Book4) 請洽海學文化事業張美智小姐 Tel: 0937-896-223 (NT$ 502)
  2. Studio Classroom (with super CD) (NT$ 90 vs. 150) ( Cellphone: Leo 0910-009700
  3. Outside reading materials (handouts)
Overview of the course
This is a one-year four-skill integrated course which helps students to develop and improve the reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills necessary for college-level coursework. Extra writing and reading practice will be given. This course will be implemented in the form of lecture, discussion, group activity, and presentation.
Grading Policy
Midterm: 25% Final: 15% Quizzes and Assignments: 30% Project: 20% Participation: 10%
Course Requirements

  1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please contact me in person or email me in advance.
  2. Two points (-2) will be deducted for any unexcused absence.
  3. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
  4. If you cheat on a quiz or exam, you’ll receive 0 point.
  5. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary look up or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.
  6. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.

Group Member

Date Content Tasks
3/2 Welcome back to school (ppt) The key to success, by Angela Lee Duckworth
3/9 The key to success, by Angela Lee Duckworth
3/16 The key to success, by Angela Lee Duckworth
3/23 Unit 4 Let’s go!
3/30 Unit 4 Let’s go!
4/6 Holiday
4/13 Review
4/20 Midterm
4/27 Review midterm Paper
An introduction to the group project
News on earthquake (Taiwan and Nepal)
5/4 The Family Man
5/11 Unit 5 Image and identity
5/18 Group Project 1 (2 groups) Group 1: Holland, by Sharon, Vera, Cindy, Tina, & Winnie (ppt, word, video)
Group 2: Norway, by Kenny, Ying-chu, Wilson, Joseph, & Sean (ppt, word, video)
5/25 Group Project 2 (3 groups) Group 3: New Zealand, by Amy, Daphne, Kim, Juyi, Iris, & Patty (ppt, word, video)
Group 4: South Africa, by Brian, Gary, Coldy, David, & Yahoo (ppt, word, video)
Group 5: Korea, by Wendy, Eunice, Charles, Mimi, Mini, Mico (ppt, word, video)
6/1 Group Project 3 (3 groups) Group 6: Denmark, by Lulu, Scarlet, April, Dulcie, Jenny, & Ivy (ppt, word, video)
Group 7: Switzerland, by Emily, Beryl, Wendy, Katy, & Cindy (ppt, word, video)
Group 8: Sweden, by Kyle, Pauline, Rita, Angela, & Peggy (ppt, word, video)
6/8 Email Writing
6/15 Unit 6 What a perfect world
6/22 Reflection Paper
Happy Winter Vocation

Note. We’ll adjust the schedule as we go along.

2015 Spring: 四技通識選修Computer Assisted Language Learning


A tentative syllabus
科目名稱: 電腦輔助英文學習 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 通識選修 學分/時數: 2/2
E-mail: Time: Tuesday (1:30 to 15:15)
Course website: Room: 承曦樓 R603
Classroom Material
A variety of online materials (audio files, video clips, reading texts, freeware), to be announced.
Overview of the Course
This course aims to increase students’ understanding of computer assisted language learning. Students will get familiar with the language resources on the Internet, including websites and freeware, and learn how to use these resources to enhance their English skills. Learning strategies will be demonstrated through tasks in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and vocabulary practice. Class activities include lectures, group/class discussion, online discussion, and class presentation.
Classroom Evaluation
Assignments: 50% Midterm Exam: 20% Presentation:15% Reflection Paper: 15%
Course Requirements
Participation: Participation is crucial to the success of the class and your learning. You’ll explore websites and technologies, and apply them to your own learning. Full participation in the face-to-face class discussion and the blog are required. You’re expected to ask questions, answer questions and share information in different ways.
Group Presentation: You’ll be forming into several groups. Each group will have to prepare a powerpoint presentation base on the assigned materials and answer the questions your classmates raise if any (15-18 minutes).
There will be quizzes this semester. Preview and review the class materials will help you achieve satisfying grades.
Ground Rules:

  1. Be in class on time.
  2. Don’t sleep in class.
  3. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please contact me in person or email me in advance. Two points (-2) will be deducted for any unexcused absence.
  4. Late assignments will not be graded and there won’t be any make-up tests.
  5. There will be quizzes on the assignmed materials. Please preview and review the class materials every week.

Blog List

Date Content Presentation Topics Assignments
2/24 Orientation
1. earphone with mic (to listen and to record)
2. flash (to save files)
#1. Please prepare a short introduction of yourself (about 100 words). Write it down on a pice of paper. No need to type.
2. Find a photo of yourself and bring it in to the class next week.
3/3 Set up your blog! 1. Google Blogger-> function -> language -> English
2. What is a blog?
3. How to create a blog on Google? (Part 1/ Part 2)
4. Blogger getting started guide
Preview the article:
An Overview of CALL by Dr. Phil Hubbard (Unit 1)
Internet & Writing
3/10 An Overview of CALL Leave comments on at least three of yoru classmates’ blog.
3/17 Internet & English Writing 1
Dealing with your vocabulary problems: dictionaries
#2 Dictionary Exercise
3/24 Internet & English Writing 2
Dealing with your vocabulary problems: corpus tools
1. Try out the tools I introduced today.
2. Create links of the tools on your blog.
3. Preview Google Syntax
3/31 Internet & English Writing 3
Google Syntax
Topic 1: Google Syntax by Rina, Amber, Eva, Trista, & Melody (ppt)
a. Google Syntax
b. Search Operators
c. Reference book: 超神!Google情報檢索術 (check our library for the book)
d. Google tool bar
1. Review Google Syntax
2. Review Common Collocations
3 . Preview the two articles:
Listening: A good way to learn English
How to Hear English Everywhere?
4/7 Holiday
Internet, Listening, & Speaking
4/14 Internet & Listening 1  #3 Podcast (4/19 due)
4/21 Midterm Exam
4/28 Internet & Listening 2 (Youtube) Topic 2: Youtube and Language Learning–Steve Jobs’ 2005 Commencement Speech (ppt, video, script)  # 4 Steve Jobs’ Talk (May 3 due)
5/5 Internet & Listening 3 (Multimedia) Topic 3: Evaluation of an Interactive English learning Super CD (ppt)  #5 Share one of your life stories (60 words, at least)
5/12 Internet & Listening 4 (English Talk)
8 Secrets of Success, by Richard St. John
Topic 4: Talks on TED (ppt, video, script)  #6 Please Please Recommend a good talk to us. List the title, the link, the speaker, and why you think it’s worth listening. (80 words, at least)
5/19 Internet, Pronunciation, & Speaking 1 Topic 5: My ET (.ppt)
社群名稱: NTUB_2015Spring_CALL
 #7 MY ET: Meeting someone at the airport. (due at 2 pm, 5/26)
5/26 Internet, Pronunciation, & Speaking 2
Speaking Proficiency Test (SPT) on My ET
#8 Speaking Proficiency Test (due on 5/26(
#9 TOEIC 600  (Due on 5/31)
Internet & Reading
6/2 Internet & Reading 1 Topic 6: Topic: MIT OpenCourseware (.ppt)
What is a MOOC?
 #10 OpenCourseWare
6/9 Internet & Reading 2
6/16 How to evaluate Internet resource (
6/23 Reflection Paper
Wish you a great summer vacation!

Note: We’ll adjust the schedule as we go along.

2015 Spring: 四技企管一年級Freshmen English


A tentative syllabus
科目名稱: 基礎英文 Freshmen English 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 企管系四技一年級 學分/時數: 2/2
Email: Time/Location: Monday (10:10 to 12:00)
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course webiste
1. Reach Out (Book4) 請洽海學文化事業張美智小姐 Tel: 0937-896-223 (NT$ 502)
2. Studio Classroom (with super CD) (NT$ 90 vs. 150) ( Cellphone: Leo 0910-009700
3. Outside reading materials (handouts)
Overview of the course
This is a one-year four-skill integrated course which helps students to develop and improve the reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills necessary for college-level coursework. Extra listening and speaking practice will be given. This course will be implemented in the form of lecture, discussion, group activity, and presentation.
Grading Policy
Midterm: 25% Reflection paper: 15% Quizzes and Assignments: 30% Project: 20% Participation: 10%
Course Requirements

  • If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please contact me in person or email me in advance.
  • Two points (-2) will be deducted for any unexcused absence.
  • No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
  • If you cheat on a quiz or exam, you’ll receive 0 point.
  • Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary look up or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.
  • There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.


Date Content Tasks
2/24 Welcome back to school (ppt)
3/3 The key to success, by Angela Lee Duckworth
3/10 The key to success, by Angela Lee Duckworth
3/17 Unit 4 Let’s go!
3/24 Unit 4 Let’s go!
3/31 Quiz 1
Movie (Family Man)
4/7 Grammar
4/14 Review
4/21 Midterm
4/28 Discuss Midterm
Introduction to the group project
5/5 Unit 5 Image and Identity
News on earthquake (Taiwan & Nepal)
5/12 Unit 5 Image and Identity
5/19 Group Project 1 (2 groups) Group 1: Vienam, by Eva, Joanna, Vu, Jenny Wu, & Jenny Chu (ppt, handout, video)
Group 2: Thailand, by Selver, Cara, Aileen Valerie, & Milk (ppt, handout, video)
5/26 Group Project 2 (3 groups) Group 3: Mexico, by Sunny, Betty, Carlo, Nancy, & Chainal (ppt, handout, video)
Group 4: Malaysia, by Joker, Dung, Nash, Hank, & King (ppt, handout, video)
Group 5: Italy, by Jimmy, David, Bill, Willy, & Samuel (ppt, handout, video)
6/2 Group Project 3 (2 groups) Group 6: Germany, by Emily, Alice, Vivian, Cindy, & Eric (ppt, handout, video)
Group 7: Switzerland, by Evelyn, Jessie, Jane, Karl, & Kevin (ppt, handout, video)
6/9 Email Writing
6/16 Wrap-Up
6/23 Reflection Paper Due
Happy Winter Vocation!

Note. We’ll adjust the schedule as we go along.

2015 Spring: 四技商務一年級Freshmen English


A tentative syllabus
科目名稱: 基礎英文 Freshmen English 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 商務系四技一年級 學分/時數: 2/2
Email: Time/Location: Monday (10:10 to 12:00)/視聽教視 (Lab 4)
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course webiste

  1. Reach Out (Book4) 請洽海學文化事業張美智小姐 Tel: 0937-896-223 (NT$ 502)
  2. Studio Classroom (with super CD) (NT$ 90 vs. 150) ( Cellphone: Leo 0910-009700
  3. Outside reading materials (handouts)
Overview of the course
This is a one-year four-skill integrated course which helps students to develop and improve their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills necessary for college-level coursework. Extra listening and speaking practice will be given. This course will be implemented in the form of lecture, discussion, group activity, and presentation.
Grading Policy
Midterm: 25% Reflection Paper: 15% Quizzes and Assignments: 30% Project: 20% Participation: 10%
Course Requirements

  1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please contact me in person or email me in advance.
  2. Two points (-2) will be deducted for any unexcused absence.
  3. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
  4. If you cheat on a quiz or exam, you’ll receive 0 point.
  5. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary look up or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.
  6. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.

Group Members

Date Content Tasks
3/2 Welcome back to school (ppt)
3/9 The key to success, by Angela Lee Duckworth
3/16 The key to success, by Angela Lee Duckworth
3/23 Unit 4 Let’s go!
3/30 Unit 4 Let’s go!
4/6 Holiday
4/13 Unit 4 Let’s go!
4/20 Midterm
4/27 Discuss your midterm paper
An introduction to the group project this semester.
5/4 Unit 5 Image and identity
The Family Man
 News on earthquake (Taiwan and Nepal)
5/11 Unit 5 Image and identity
5/18 Group Project 1 (1) Group 1: Italy, by Jane, Leo, Cinny, Rosa, & Mark (ppt, handout, video)
Group 2: China, by Phantom, Brian, Mickey, Allen, Howard, & Harry (ppt, handout, video)
5/25 Group Project 2 (3) Group 3: Sweden, by Sonia, Sian, Byte, Sherry, & Vicky  (ppt, handout, video)
Group 4: by Kate, Maggie, Yi Gin, Henry, & Sussi  (ppt, handout, video)
Group 5: America, by Sherrry, Zoe, Kelly, Alicia, Tiffany, & Ruby (ppt, handout, video)
6/1 Group Project 3 (3) Group 6: Japan, by Zona, Abby, Zowie, Emma, & Yvonne (ppt, handout, video)
Group 7: German, by Sally, Cindy, Sunny, Winnie, & Phoebe  (ppt, handout, video)
Group 8: France, by Linda, Melody, Ivy, Hunter, & Loic  (ppt, handout, video)
6/8 Eamil Writing
6/15 Unit 6 A perfect world
6/22 Reflection Paper
Happy Summer Vocation!

Note. We’ll adjust the schedule as we go along.