
2021 bloglist (Finance)

Blog (Finance, Spring, 2021)

No 學號 姓名 English Blog
1 10832033 王妍晴 Melody
2 10932001 張蘊 Victoria
3 10932002 蔡雨潔 Vesta
4 10932004 吳之禾 Alex
5 10932006 黃煒中 Welly
6 10932007 曾琦雯 Tippi
7 10932008 李治翰 George
8 10932010 李郡之 Gigi
9 10932011 周旻儒 Corina
10 10932012 林鈺祺 Sophia
11 10932013 葉玟讌 Winnie
12 10932014 潘彥竹 Angel
13 10932016 林亭禎 Tina
14 10932017 蔡霈瑜 Pei
15 10932018 許愷芯 Andrea
16 10932019 張郡玲 Lucy
17 10932020 陳伯鈞 Rex
18 10932022 郭宜萱 Serena
19 10932023 廖苑岑 Anna
20 10932024 林沛瑩 Nadia
21 10932025 李雅媛 Vera
22 10932026 王佩樺 Penny
23 10932027 蔡佳鈞 Cason
24 10932028 周品汝 Rebecca
25 10932029 陳宥任 Ren
26 10932030 朱于熙 Peggy
27 10932031 賴怡潔 Jennifer
28 10932033 黃湘茹 Ruby
29 10932034 蔡宛真 Ivy
30 10932035 涂君雁 Jenny
31 10932036 李睿欣 Cindy
32 10932037 侯品誼 Angel
33 10932038 徐鏡棠 Andy
34 10932039 黃子嘉 Raphael
35 10932040 張維真 Kelly
36 1093B019 蘇弘偉 Wayne
37 N1092720 汪孟潔 Gina

2021 Spring: 二技財金一甲 English

A tentative syllabus

Course: English 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 財金系二技英文 學分/時數: 2/2
Email: Time/Location:  Wednesday (10:00 to 12:00) Lab 7
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:
Online materials to be announced (50 dollars)
Overview of the course
This one-semester class will focus on developing and improving students’ academic listening and speaking skills. Students will listen and respond to a variety of topics, determine the purpose of listening, use multiple strategies to monitor their listening and comprehension, and be able to express their thoughts and opinions in English. Class activities include pre-class listening, in-class group discussion, individual sharing, teacher demonstration, and after-class assignments.
對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決
Grading Policy
Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 60%
Project: 20%
TOEIC: 10%
Participation: 10%
Group Project
To be announced.
Participation and Attendance
1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.

Blog list
Term Project

Date Major Textbook Assignments
2/24 1. Orientation
2. Background Questionnaire (link)
3. Creating your blog (
#1 Greetings!
Create your blog and briefly introduce yourself (3/1 due)
– upload a picture
– briefly introduce yourself (at least 50 words)
– Put your blog link here (link)
– Preview the course materials next week.
3/3 Podcast and language learning
Using podcasts to develop listening skills
7 Reasons Why Podcasts Are Changing the Way We Learn English
A list of podcasts
12 native English podcasts for Learning English (video)
#2 English Learning Podcast
Go online and explore some of the podcasts that interest you, and recommend one to us. (3/7 due)
– Name of the podcast
– Link to the podcast
– What is the podcast about?
– Why you recommend this podcast.
3/10 Podcast: What have you found?
Listening (Pre)
Certificate (TOEIC)
Explore one of the podcasts your classmates have recommended and give your feedback on their blog posts (at least 1).
– Preview COVID: One year on (Listen and read)
3/17 COVID: One year on #3 COVID: One year on
1. Listen to the episode (COVID: One Year on) one more time. (add the link to your blog)
2. Look up the words and find “one” example sentence for each of the keywords. Mark the keyword in a different color.
3. Preview the article we’re going to discuss next week.
3/24 Working for free
3/31 Why do we choose to text instead of talk?
Teens would rather text and chat online with their friends than hang out in real life, study says
Atlanta shootings: ‘It’s scary just to be an Asian American woman.’ (link)
Review the three articles and be ready for a quiz next week.
4/7 The food delivery revolution
Quiz 1
4/14 Invited talk 1 (業界教師演講)
講師: 林詠梅
題目: 我的跨國職場斜槓人生
4/21 TED Talk and Language Learning
Group members
4/28 Invited talk 2 (業界教師演講)
講師: 劉建宏
題目: 如何成為有價值的國際人才
5/5 Inside the mind of a master procrastinator #4 Your thought on the talk: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
1. Do you procrastinate sometimes?
2. What are some of the things you procrastinate on?
3. What are strategies you can use to combat procrastination.
** Review the article and be ready for a quiz next week.
** Continue to work on your project. Keep looking/searching if you haven’t found a good talk/podcast to present.
5/12 What makes a good life # 5 What makes a good life
1. Listen to the talk again (add the link to your blog).
2. Six words you would like to learn from the talk. (“one” example sentence for each of the keywords. Mark the keyword in a different color.
** Be ready for another quiz next week.
5/19 What makes a good life
How to use Google Meet (link)
Be ready for the group presentation next week.
5/26 G1: Ted Natural Bodybuilding: Become the best version of yourself (link)
G2: Why do we dream? (link)
G3: TED -Who are you really the puzzle of personality? (link)
Your comments (link)
6/2 G4 TED: How to make stress your friend? (link)
G5  Ted talk-Why school should start later for teens (link)
G6 TED How to build your confidence and spark it in others(link)
Your comments (link)
6/9 G7 Podcast Jamie Oliver: How to Make Classic Carbonara(link) (handout)
G8 Teach girls bravery, not perfection (link)
G9 How to gain control of your free time (link) (handout)
Your comments (link)
6/16 TOEIC  Test
No need to meet on June 16. Just finish the TOEIC Test before 6/16 (12:00)
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
1. Coursera
2. EdX
2. MIT Open courseware
6/23 Wrap-Up

1. Cambridge bilingual dictionary (
2. Longman (
3. Oxford (
4. Yahoo Kimo (

Grammar Book
1. English Grammar in use (Intermediate) (5th ed) (link)
2. English Grammar in use (intermediate) supplementary exercises with answer keys (link)

2021 Spring: 大一通識英文 English 2

A tentative syllabus

Course: English 2 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 大一通識英文 學分/時數: 3/3
Email: Time/Location:  Wednesday (13:30 to 15:15)/Room7
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:
1.Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014). NT $485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃政瑋先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027#407)
2. New TOEIC Test 多益一站600字彙 眾文出版社 (藍小姐 02-8369-1198 ext: 24 )
3. Online materials and handouts.
Overview of the course
This is a one-year four-skill integrated course that prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentations.
對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決
Grading Policy
Midterm Exam: 20%
Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 40%
Project: 20%
TOEIC: 10% 
Participation: 10%
Group Project
1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary lookup or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.


Date Major Textbook TOEIC Book Assignments
2/24 Back to school
Chapter 6.1 The one week job: 52 jobs in 52 weeks
Quiz 1 (TOEIC Book Unit 6)
1. Visit the website and learn more about the six personality types: Holland’s six personality types
2. Be reading for Quiz 2
3/3 Quiz 2 (TOEIC Book Unit 7)
Chapter 6.1 The one week job: 52 jobs in 52 weeks
Preview Chapter 6.2 and look up the difficult words in the dictionary.
3/10 Chapter 6.2 Flip flops and Facebook breaks: Millennials enter the workplace
Covid vaccines: How fast is progress around the world?
Unit 8 Read the news one more time.
Preview Chapter 6.3 and look up the difficult words in the dictionary.
3/17 Chapter 6.3 Eight keys to employability
Listening Practice (link)
1. download the Six Minute English app
2. Listen to the episode we introduced in class.
3/24 Chapter 6.3 Eight keys to employability
Quiz 3
TOEIC Unit 8 (40%)
Chapter 6.2 Six keywords and T & F Question (60%)
Unit 9
3/31 Chapter 8 Public Speaking
Reading One: The power of public speech
Barack Obama
2. President Obama’s Best Speeches
4/7 Chapter 8 Public Speaking
Reading One: The power of public speech
Quiz 4
1. T/F Questions and 6 keywords from Chapter 8.2 (50%)
2. TOEIC Book Unit 9 & 10 (50%)
Unit 10
4/14 Reading One: The power of public speech
4/21 Midterm Exam
4/28 Guideline for the term project
Chapter 9 Peace studies
5/5 Listening Practice (Food delivery revolution)
Chapter 9.1 Social Entrepreneurship (A video)
Project: Some examples
Unit 11 1. Easy Test practice online.
2. Review Chapter 9.1 and work on the exercises.
3. Be ready for a quiz next week.
5/12 Chapter 9.1 Social Entrepreneurship
Quiz 5 (TOEIC Vocabulary, T/F question)
5/19 TOEIC Test (承曦樓 3.4 節/ 707深耕計畫後測) (cancelled)
1. Learn how to use Google Meet (link)
2. Chapter 9.2 A Poverty-Free World
3. Happy Snowman Song (link)
5/26 G1: Italy
G2: France
Comments (link)
Unit 12
6/2 G3: USA (recording)
G4: Denmark (recording)
Comments (link)
6/9 G5: Germany
G6: Sweden
Comments (link)
6/16 TOEIC (10%)
6/23 Wrap-Up

1. Cambridge bilingual dictionary (
2. Longman (
3. Oxford (
4. Yahoo Kimo (

Screen Recorder
1. Screencast-O-Matic (free)
2. PowerCam (one-month trial)

Some tools
1. Random name picker!

2021 Spring: 五專財稅四甲 English 4

A tentative syllabus

Course: English 4 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 五專財稅系 學分/時數: 3/3
Email: Time/Location:  Tuesday (9:00 to 12:00)/Room7
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:
1.Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014). NT $485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃政瑋先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027#407)
2. New TOEIC Test 多益一站600字彙 眾文出版社 (藍小姐 02-8369-1198 ext: 24 )
3. Online materials and handouts.
Overview of the course
This is a one-year four-skill integrated course that prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentations.
對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決
Grading Policy
Midterm Exam: 20%
Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 40%
Project: 22%
Participation: 10%
Group Project
1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary lookup or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.


Date Major Textbook TOEIC Book Assignments
2/23 Chapter 6.1 The one week job: 52 jobs in 52 weeks Visit the website and learn more about the six personality types:
Holland’s six personality types
Holland’s six personality types (Chinese)
3/2 Quiz 1 (TOEIC Book Unit 6)
Chapter 6.1 The one week job: 52 jobs in 52 weeks
Review the article we discussed today.
Preview Chapter 6.2 Flip flops and Facebook break: Millennials enter the workplace and look up difficult words in the dictionary in advance. (I’ll check your book next week)
3/9 Quiz 2 (TOEIC Book Unit 7 & True/False Questions from Chapter 6.1)
Chapter 6.2 Flip flops and Facebook breaks: Millennials enter the workplace
Unit 8 Finish the exercises (Chapter 6.2)
3/16 Chapter 6.3 Eight keys to employability
Listening practice:
What’s the key to happiness
3/23 Chapter 6.3 Eight keys to employability
Chapter 8 Public Speaking
Reading Two: The best way to structure a speech
1. T/F Questions and 6 keywords from Chapter 6.2 (60%)
2. TOEIC Book Unit 8 (40%)
Unit 9
3/30 Chapter 8 Public Speaking
Reading One: The power of public speech
Barack Obama
2. President Obama’s Best Speeches
4/6 Holiday (No Class) Unit 10
4/13 Quiz 4
1. T/F Questions and 6 keywords from Chapter 8.2 (50%)
2. TOEIC Book Unit 9 & 10 (50%)
Chapter 8 Public Speaking
Reading One: The power of public speech
4/20 Midterm Exam
4/27 Guideline for the term project
Discuss midterm
1. Listen to “The food delivery revolution” in Six-Minute English once before we meet next week.
2. Preview Chapter 9.1 Social Entrepreneurship
5/4 1. Chapter 9.1 Social Entrepreneurship
2. Listening Practice (Delivery Service)
Unit 11 1. Listen to “The food delivery revolution” again and learn some of the important vocabulary (words in bold).
2. Finish the exercises (Chapter 9.1).
3. Practice your TOEIC on Easy Test System
5/11 Chapter 9.1 Social Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship (A video)
Quiz 5
5/18 TOEIC Test (承曦樓 3.4 節/ 707深耕計畫後測) (cancelled)
1. Learn how to use Google Meet (link)
2. Chapter 9.2 A Poverty-Free World
Happy Snowman Song (link)
5/25 G1 Germany
G2 France
Questions and Comments (link)
6/1 G3 U.S.A
G4 Japan
G5 Switzerland
Questions and Comments (link)
6/8 G6 South Korea
G7 Netherland
G9 Sweden
Questions and comments (link)
6/15 TOEIC (before 6/13 midnight)
6/22 Wrap-Up

1. Cambridge bilingual dictionary (
2. Longman (
3. Oxford (
4. Yahoo Kimo (

2021 Spring: 五專財金四甲 English 4

A tentative syllabus

Course: English 4 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 五專財金系 學分/時數: 3/3
Email: Time/Location:  Monday (13:30 to 16:10)/Room2
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:
1.Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014). NT $485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃政瑋先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027#407)
2. New TOEIC Test 多益一站600字彙 眾文出版社 (藍小姐 02-8369-1198 ext: 24 )
3. Online materials and handouts.
Overview of the course
This is a one-year four-skill integrated course that prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentations.
對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決
Grading Policy
1. Midterm Exam: 20%
2. Final Exam: 20%
3. Assignment & Quizzes: 40%
4. Participation: 10%
5. TOEIC: 10%
Group Project
1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary lookup or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.


Date Major Textbook TOEIC Book Assignments
2/22 Chapter 6.1 The one week job: 52 jobs in 52 weeks Unit 6 & Unit 7 1. Be ready for the Quiz next time.
2. Preview Chapter 6.2 and post your questions on BB (due on Feb. 26)
3. Check Holland’s six personality types and be familiar with them. 
Holland’s six personality types
3/1 Holiday (No Class)
Holland’s six personality types
3/8 Quiz 1 (TOEIC Book Unit 6 & Unit 7)
Chapter 6.2 Flip flops and Facebook breaks: Millennials enter the workplace
X, Y, Z 世代
Unit 8 Finish the exercises (Chapter 6.2)
3/15 Chapter 6.3 Eight keys to employability
Listening practice:
What’s the key to happiness
1. Listening practice
2. Review Chapter 6.2
3/22 Chapter 6.3 Eight keys to employability
1. T/F Questions and 6 keywords from Chapter 6.2 (60%)
2. TOEIC Book Unit 8 (40%)
Unit 9
3/29 Chapter 8 Public Speaking
Reading Two: The best way to structure a speech
4/5 Holiday (No Class)


Unit 10 Outside Reading:
Millennials in the workplace
4/12 Quiz 3
Chapter 8 Public Speaking
Reading One: The power of public speech
Barack Obama
2. President Obama’s Best Speeches
4/19 Midterm Exam
4/26 Discuss Midterm Project
1. The BFG (1982 book): to preview
2. Roald Dahl (the story writer)
3. BFG (2016 movie)
1. Go online and read more information about BFG.
2. Listen to “The food delivery revolution” in Six-Minute English once before we meet next week.
3. Preview Chapter 9.1 Social Entrepreneurship
5/3 1. Listening Practice
2. Chapter 9.1 Social Entrepreneurship
Unit 11 1. Listen to “The food delivery revolution” again and learn some of the important vocabulary (words in bold).
2. Finish the exercises (Chapter 9.1).
3. Practice your TOEIC on Easy Test System
5/10 Quiz 4 (TOEIC Unit 11)
Social Entrepreneurship (A video)

Practice TOEIC on Easy Test System
5/17 *** TOEIC (深根計畫後測) 全專四檢測, 請勿缺考. (因疫情在家上課, 暫停考試)
1. How to use Google Meet
2. Chapter 9.2 A Poverty-Free World
1. Review Chapter 9.1 and finish the exercises.
2. Try this:
5/24 Chapter 9.2 A Poverty-Free World
Coursera (
Under the Sea
1. Create a Coursera account
2. Find and enroll in the class: Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone
3. Finish Module 1 and Module 2: Six video clips
5/31 TOEIC Test (computer & earphones, in a quiet room)
6/7 Final Exam
6/14 Holiday (No Class)
6/21 Wrap-up

1. Cambridge bilingual dictionary (
2. Longman (
3. Oxford (
4. Yahoo Kimo (

Screen Recorder
1. Screencast-O-Matic (free)
2. PowerCam (one-month trial)

Some tools
1. Random name picker!

2020 Fall: 大二通識 English 3

Course: English 3 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 四技通識英文(3) 學分/時數: 2/2
Email: Time/Location:  Wednesday (15:20 to 17:10) Room 7
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:
1.Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014). NT $485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027#407)
2. Six Minute English
3. TED Talk
Overview of the course
This is a one-semester four-skill integrated course. While the focus of the first-year English class was on reading and vocabulary, the second year will do more speaking and listening. Students will have the opportunity to read and discuss the articles in pairs, in groups, and to share in front of the class. They will also be encouraged to write their ideas. Class activities include discussion, group activities, and group presentations.
對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決
Grading Policy
Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 48% Group Presentation: 15% Project: 22% TOEIC: 15% ( 為配合高教深耕計畫,本課程實施英語文能力檢測,佔學期成績15%)
Group Project
1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary lookup or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.

Term Project

Date Major Textbook Presenters Assignments
9/16 Orientation
Six Minute English
1. Print out the pdf file and bring it in next week (-2 points)
2. Listen to the audio file 2 times and look up the difficult words in advance. Be ready for the discussion next week.
9/23 Will Covid-19 change cities? 1. Background information
2. Issue discussed
3. Some good words to learn
4. Your comments on the topic
5. Questions for your audience
* Upload the ppt to BB 2 days before your presentation.
* Printout one copy for me when you present in class. 
1. Listen to “The food delivery revolution” at least twice and be ready for the discussion in class.
2. Review the article we discussed today.
9/30 Topic 1: The food delivery revolution Jacky, Sandy, Lana, Angela
10/7 Topic 2: Could you give up fast fashion? Joseph, Sabrina, Trista, Ginna
10/14 Topic 3: Is it good to disagree? Doris, Zoey, Annie, Cole 1. How to Disagree in English Politely
2. Disagree politely
3. Phrases for expressing an opinion
10/21 Topic 4: Why does seeing someone yawn make you yawn? Elva, Allen, Dyrus, Kelly 1. Why Is Yawning Contagious?
10/28 Topic 5: Why take a gap year?
1, Gap Year
2. Why take a gap year?
3. Benefits of a gap year
Jill, Annie, Grace, Jimmy 1. Should I take a gap year? (Pros & Cons)
11/4 Topic 6: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
Wait But Why
– 專訪 Wait But Why 創辦人 Tim Urban
Ian, Rae, Harry, Jenny
11/11 – More discussion on topic 6
– Quiz on topic 6
– TED talk and Language Learning (ppt)
11/18 Guidelines for the group project
Topic 7: What makes a good life?
Charlotte, Louis, William, Anny(Annie)
11/25 Topic 8: Grit: The power of passion and perseverance Wendy, Lisa, Ken Grace
12/2 深耕計畫 TOEIC Test 後測 
承曦樓(607) 請自備耳機
Project: begin to work on your parts and practice with your members
12/9 Topic 9: Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address (text)
Pixar Award Winning
1. 2017 Oscar winner Piper by Pixar
Emily, Cindy, Sean, Ina
12/16 Oral Presentation
G1 Is punctuality important?
G2 Will humans become extinct?
G3 How much sleep do you really need? 
12/23 Oral Presentation
G4 Could humans live in underwater cities?
G5 The 15-minute city
The power of crying
12/30 Oral Presentation
G7 Street food: Why is it becoming so popular?
G8 Tips for parents coping with kids at home
G9 Improving your memory
1/6 TOEIC Fluency Test (15%) Important!!!
1/13 Wrap-Up

1.Cambridge (
2. Longman (
3. Oxford (
4. Yahoo kimo (

Some tools
1. Random name picker!

2020 Fall: 大一通識 Enlgish 1

Course: English 1 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 四技通識英文(一) 學分/時數: 2/2
Email: Time/Location:  Wednesday (1:30 to 3:15) Room 7
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:
1.Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014). NT $485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027#407)
2. New TOEIC Test 多益一站600字彙 眾文出版社 (藍小姐 02-8369-1198 ext: 24 )
3. Online materials and handouts.
Overview of the course
This is a one-year four-skill integrated course that prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentations.對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決
Grading Policy
Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 40% Midterm Exam: 20% Project: 25% TOEIC: 15% ( 為配合高教深耕計畫,本課程實施英語文能力檢測,佔學期成績15%)
Group Project
1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary lookup or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.
Date Major Textbook TOEIC Book Assignments
9/16 Orientation
Background Questionnaire
1. Have your two books ready.
2. Begin to work on your vocabulary book.
3. Watch the video (study less, study mart) at least twice.
9/23 Learning strategies TOEIC Unit 1 (2-11) 1. Preview Chapter 1.1. Look up difficult words in the dictionary in advance.
2. Work on your TOEIC vocabulary (2-11)
9/30 Chapter 1.1 Tony the Traveller TOEIC Unit 1 (12-21) 1. Be ready for the first quiz next week.
2. Finish the exercises (Reading One)
3. Explore Tony’s website.
10/7 – Reading One: Tony the Traveller
– Tony’s website
– Quiz 1
– The Easy Test System
TOEIC Unit 1 (21-26) Unit 2 (27-31) 1. Preview Chapter 1.2. Look up the difficult words in the dictionary in advance.
2. As a group, post the difficult sentences (1-2) on BB (due on Monday night).
3. Try the Easy Test system and get used to the interface.
10/14 – Reading Two: The benefits of studying abroad
– 25 reasons to study abroad
– Top 5 challenges of studying abroad
TOEIC Unit 2 (32-41) 1. 單字考順延一周
2. Review the article
3. Practice TOEIC
10/21 TOEIC Proficiency Test (承曦樓607)
佔學期總成績 15%
TOEIC Unit 2 (42-51)
10/28 Reading Two: The benefits of studying abroad
– Organization of the article
– Suffix
– Guessing from the context
– Synonym
Quiz 2
TOEIC Unit 2 (53-62) 1. Review the exercises we discussed today.
2. Preview Chapter 2.1 Mangoes and Magnolias and post the difficult sentences (1-2) on BB (due on 11/2 Monday night)
11/4 Chapter 2.1 Mangoes and Magnolias
Day of the dead (10/31 to 11/2)
What is the Day of the Dead?
11/11 Chapter 2.3 Book review of Mixed: An anthology of short fiction about the multiracial experience
Quiz 3 (Vocabulary from Chapter 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.3)
11/18 Midterm Exam
1. Chapter 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.3
2. TOEIC Vocabulary (53 to 62)
3. TOEIC Vocabulary (Q1 & Q2)
4. Halloween history & tradition
TOEIC Unit 3 (64-71) Preview Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients. Post the difficult sentences (1-2) on BB (due on 11/23, Monday night)
11/25 – Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
– Presentation Skills 1
TOEIC Unit 3 (72-82)
12/2 – Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
– Quiz 4
– Presentation Skills 2
TOEIC Unit 4 (84-91)
12/9 1. 8 secrets of success by Richard John
2. What’s wrong with our food system
3. A twelve-year-old app developer
4. Try something new for 30 days
TOEIC Unit 4 (92-102)
12/16 Oral Presentation 1
G1 This is me, by Keala Settle (Rico, Andy, Iris, Winnie, Sophia, Vicky)
G2 Flashlight, by Fessie J. (Vivian, Michelle, Zola, Ru, Coco)
TOEIC Unit 5 (104-111)
12/23 G3 Shallow, by Lady Gaga (Chen, Ken, Charlie, Jared, Angus, Yao)
G4 See you again, Wiz Khalifa (Gary, Penny, Laura, Luna, Mick)
TOEIC Unit 5 (112-121)
12/30 G5 Do you hear people sing? Les Miserables (Cindy, Jean, Annie, Nico)
G6 Speechless, Naomi Scott (Alan, Willy, Betty, Rae, Hazel, Yuri)
TOEIC Unit 5 (122-124)
1/6  Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
1/13 Quiz 5 (Chapter 3.1, TOEIC P. 84 to 124)
Winter Break Assignment
(TOEIC: Unit 6 & Unit 7)

1.Cambridge (
2. Longman (
3. Oxford (
4. Yahoo Kimo (

Some tools
1. Random name picker!

2020 Fall: 五專財稅四甲 English 4

Course: English 4 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 五專財稅系四年級 學分/時數: 3/3
Email: Time/Location:  Tuesday (9:10 to 12:10) Room 7
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:
1.Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014). NT $485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027#407)
2. New TOEIC Test 多益一站600字彙 眾文出版社 (藍小姐 02-8369-1198 ext: 24 )
3. Online materials and handouts.
Overview of the course
This is a one-year four-skill integrated course that prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentations.對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決
Grading Policy
Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 40% Midterm Exam: 20% Project: 25% TOEIC: 15% ( 為配合高教深耕計畫,本課程實施英語文能力檢測,佔學期成績15%)
Group Project
1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary lookup or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.
Date Major Textbook TOEIC Book Assignments
9/15 Orientation
Background Questionnaire
1. Have your two books ready.
2. Begin to work on your vocabulary book.
3. Watch the video (study less, study mart) at least twice.
9/22 Chapter 1 Cultural studies: The lessons of travel
Chapter 1.1 Tony the Traveller
TOEIC Unit 1 (2-11) 1. Preview Chapter 1.1. Look up difficult words in the dictionary in advance.
2. Work on your TOEIC vocabulary (2-11)
9/29 – Chapter 1 Cultural studies: The lessons of travel
– Reading One: Tony the Traveller
– Tony’s website
TOEIC Unit 1 (12-21) 1. Be ready for the first quiz next week.
2. Finish the exercises (Reading One)
3. Explore Tony’s website.
10/6 – Reading One: Tony the Traveller
– Tony’s website
– Quiz 1
– TOEIC official website
TOEIC Unit 1 (21-26) Unit 2 (27-31) 1. Preview Chapter 1.2. Look up the difficult words in the dictionary in advance.
2. As a group, post the difficult sentences (1-2) on BB (due on Saturday night).
10/13 – Reading Two: The benefits of studying abroad
25 reasons to study abroad
Top 5 challenges of studying abroad
Somewhere over the rainbow
An introduction to the singer
TOEIC Unit 2 (32-41) 1. 單字考順延一周
2. Review the article
3. Practice TOEIC
10/20 10/19 (Monday) 8.9
TOEIC Proficiency Test (Computer Lab 承曦樓 702)
TOEIC Unit 2 (42-51)
10/27 – Reading Two: The benefits of studying abroad
– Organization of the article
– Suffix
– Guessing from the context
– Synonym
Quiz 2
TOEIC Unit 2 (53-62) Preview Chapter 2.1. As a group, post the difficult sentences (1-2) on BB (due on Saturday night).
11/3 Chapter 2.1 Mangoes and Magnolias
Day of the dead (10/31 to 11/2)
What is the Day of the Dead?
Be ready for Quiz 3 next week (on the four book chapters)
11/10 Chapter 2.3 Book review of Mixed: An anthology of short fiction about the multiracial experience
Quiz 3 (Vocabulary from Chapter 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.3)
11/17 Midterm Exam
1. Chapter 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.3
2. TOEIC Vocabulary 53 to 62)
3. TOEIC Vocabulary (Q1 & Q2)
4. Halloween history & tradition
TOEIC Unit 3 (64-71) Preview Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients. Post the difficult sentences (1-2_ on BB (due on 11/21, Saturday night)
11/24 – Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
– Lyricstraining
TOEIC Unit 3 (72-82) 1. Explore the website Lyricstraining and try some of the songs.
2. Begin to work on your term project.
3. Be ready for the quiz next week.
12/1 – Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
Quiz 4
TOEIC Unit 4 (84-91)
12/8 Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight TOEIC Unit 4 (92-102)
12/15 G1 Girls like  you, by Maroon 5 (Samantha, Tiffany, Ivy, Tina, Peggy, Maxine)
G2 Heal the world, by Michael Jackson (Ray, Andy, Eric, Jordan)
G3 Summer, by Calvin Harris (William, Polly, Jim, Jerry)
TOEIC Unit 5 (104-111)
12/22 G4 We are never ever getting back together, by Taylor Swift (Jerie, Yuki, Jamie, Celine, Oscar)
G5 Flashlight, by Jessie (Amy, Jenny, Debbie, Peggy)
G6 Try everthing, by Shakira (Apple, Nina, Mable, Ginny, Debbie)
TOEIC Unit 5 (112-121)
12/29 G7 Take me home, country road, by John Denver (Clover, Jessica, Sharinie, Emily, Kaelyn)
G8 Shallow, by Lady Gaga (Cathrine, Julie, Jenny, Duke, Ryan, Cheverry)
G9 Head above water, by Avril Lavigne (Anna, Anna, Vermouth, Houdini, Ryze)
TOEIC Unit 5 (122-124)
1/5 Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
Review and check the exercise
Quiz 5 (TOEIC p.84 to p.124)
1/12 Quiz 6 (Chapter 3.1 & Guidelines for the presentation skills)
Winter Assignment
(TOEIC: Unit 6 & Unit 7)

1.Cambridge (
2. Longman (
3. Oxford (
4. Yahoo kimo (

Some tools
1. Random name picker!

2020 Fall: 五專財金四甲 English 4

Course: English 4 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 五專財金系四年級 學分/時數: 3/3
Email: Time/Location:  Monday (13:30 to 16:10) Room 2
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:
1.Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014). NT $485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027#407)
2. New TOEIC Test 多益一站600字彙 眾文出版社 (藍小姐 02-8369-1198 ext: 24 )
3. Online materials and handouts.
Overview of the course
This is a one-year four-skill integrated course that prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentations.對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決
Grading Policy
Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 40% Midterm Exam: 20% Project: 25% TOEIC: 15% ( 為配合高教深耕計畫,本課程實施英語文能力檢測,佔學期成績15%)
Group Project
1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary lookup or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.
Date Major Textbook TOEIC Book Assignments
9/14 Orientation
Background Questionnaire
1. Have your two books ready.
2. Begin to work on your vocabulary book.
3. Watch the video (study less, study mart) at least twice.
9/21 Study tips: Study less, study smart TOEIC Unit 1 (2-11) 1. Preview Chapter 1.1. Look up difficult words in the dictionary in advance.
2. Work on your TOEIC vocabulary (2-11)
9/28 – Chapter 1 Cultural studies: The lessons of travel
– Reading One: Tony the Traveller
Tony’s website
– Finish the graphic organizer with your members
Teachers’ Day
TOEIC Unit 1 (12-21) 1. Be ready for the first quiz next week.
2. Finish the exercises (Reading One)
3. Preview Chapter 1.2. Look up the difficult words in the dictionary in advance.
10/5 – Reading One: Tony the Traveller
Tony’s website
Quiz 1
TOEIC official website
TOEIC Unit 1 (21-26) Unit 2 (27-31) 1. Preview Chapter 1.2. Look up the difficult words in the dictionary in advance.
2. As a group, post the difficult sentences (1-2) on BB (due on Friday night).
10/12 TOEIC Proficiency Test  TOEIC Unit 2 (32-41)
10/19 Reading Two: The benefits of studying abroad
– 25 reasons to study abroad
– Top 5 challenges of studying abroad
Quiz 2
TOEIC Unit 2 (42-51) 1. Review the article
2. Finish the exercise on page 11, 12, 13, and 14.
3. Preview Chapter 2.1 Mangoes and Magnolias (BB due on 10/24, Saturday night)
10/26 Reading Two: The benefits of studying abroad
– Organization of the article
– Suffix
– Guessing from the context
– Synonym
TOEIC Unit 2 (53-62) 1. Review the exercises we discussed today.
2. Read Chapter 2.1 one more time and be ready for the discussion.
3. Preview Chapter 2.3 Book review of Mixed and post the difficult sentences (1-2) on BB (Due on 10/31, Saturday night)
11/2 Chapter 2.1 Mangoes and Magnolias 1. Review Chapter 2.1.
2. Read Chapter 2.3 and try to finish some of the exercises.
3. Be ready for Quiz 3.
11/9 Chapter 2.3 Book review of Mixed: An anthology of short fiction about the multiracial experience
Quiz 3 (Vocabulary from the four book chapters)
11/16 Midterm Exam
– Chapter 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.3
– TOEIC Vocabulary (P.42 to P62)
– Items from Q1 & Q2
– The video we watched in class
TOEIC Unit 3 (64-71) 1. Preview Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients. Post the difficult sentences (1-2_ on BB (due on 11/21, Saturday night)
11/23 – Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
TOEIC Unit 3 (72-82) 1. Explore the website Lyricstraining and try some of the songs.
2. Begin to work on your term project.
3. Be ready for the quiz next week.
11/30 – Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
Quiz 4
TOEIC Unit 4 (84-91)
12/7 1. 8 secrets of success by Richard John
2. What’s wrong with our food system
3. A twelve-year-old app developer
4. Try something new for 30 days
TOEIC Unit 4 (92-102)
12/14 G1 Without me, by Halsey (Shopping, Kale, Teresa, Alice, Jenny) 
G2 Lost stars, by Adam Levine (Sharon. Jim, Wilbur, Leo, Louie)
G3 22, by Taylor Swift (Judy, Elaine, Eileen, Lila, Lillian)
TOEIC Unit 5 (104-111)
12/21 G4 Hakuna Matata, from Lion King (Joanna, Jia, Worldpeace, Joyce, Annie)
G5 City of Stars, by Duet ft. Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone (Ruby, Peggy, Amy, Joyce, Olivia, Britney)
G6 Homecoming, by Kanye West (Wesley, Eric, Claire, Emma, Iris)
TOEIC Unit 5 (112-121)
12/28 G7 See you again, by Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth
G8 Shallow, by Lady Gaga
G9 Scars to your beautiful, by Alessia Cara (Sheila, Jennifer, Annie, Nancy, Alex)
G10 Thank you, next, by Ariana Grande (Nicole, Polin, Xin, Bird, Judy, Aubrey)
TOEIC Unit 5 (122-124) 1. Please preview Chapter 3.1. We’ll try to finish Chapter 3.2 next Thursday.
2. We’ll finish the exercises in Chapter 3.1 too.
3. Be ready for our final quiz on January 11.
1/4 Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
Video 1, Video 2, Video 3
Review and check the exercise
Quiz 5 (TOEIC p.84 to p.124)
1/11 Quiz 6 (Chapter 3 & Guidelines for the presentation skills)
Winter Break Assignments
(TOEIC: Unit 6 & Unit 7)

1.Cambridge (
2. Longman (
3. Oxford (
4. Yahoo kimo (

Some tools
1. Random name picker!