
2020 bloglist (Finance)

Blog (Finance)

  Student Chinese English Blog
1 10832003 林芳聿 Selina
2 10832004 蔡熏儀 Joyce
3 10832005 王芊婷 Jamie
4 10832006 朱珮瑄 Peggy
5 10832008 林湘庭 Tina
6 10832009 林亭均 Ruby
7 10832010 黃鈺珊 Charlotte
8 10832011 楊筑鈞 Esme
9 10832012 王品淇 Sylvia
10 10832013 張馨如 Lulu
11 10832014 黃梓茵 Zoya
12 10832015 周佳均 Emily
13 10832016 馮郁婷 Eileen
14 10832017 陳法妘 Yvonne
15 10832018 鄭棋 Hannah
16 10832019 蔡皓中 Harry
17 10832020 潘奕彣 Alice
18 10832021 蔡雯欣 Winnie 
19 10832022 潘聿辰 Ethan 
20 10832023 周亞璇 Angela 
21 10832024 陳宥汝 Alyssa
22 10832025 謝如雅 Blair
23 10832026 黃郁涵 Helen
24 10832027 黃慕芸 Jenny
25 10832028 鄭琇文 Sammy
26 10832029 林兪岑 Bella
27 10832030 王冠婷 Katy
28 10832031 詹瑞褕 Jennifer
29 10832032 白翊筠 Bai
30 10832035 黃雯琦 Elena
31 10832036 陳虹汝 Gabo
32 10832037 蔡宛玲 Alice
33 10832038 葛緣喜 Ann
34 10832039 邱寶萱 Alina
35 10832040 范家菱 Amisa
36 10832041 葉丹 Ye Dan
37 10832042 歐佳灝 Jackson
38 10832043 葉珈纓 Eden
39 10832044 林彥伶 Demi
40 1083A002 周羽婷 Tina
41 N1083736 蘇家靖    


2020 Spring: 五專財金四年甲 English 4

A tentative syllabus

Course: English 4 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 五專財金系 學分/時數: 3/3
Email: Time/Location:  Thursday (9:10 to 12:00 am.)/Room4
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:
1.Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014). NT $485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃政瑋先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027#407)
2. New TOEIC Test 多益一站800字彙 眾文出版社 (王小姐 02-8369-1198 ext: 24 ) NT$277 (原價 $350)
3. Online materials and handouts.
Overview of the course
This is a one-year four-skill integrated course that prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentations.
對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決
Grading Policy
Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 40% Midterm Exam: 20% Final Exam: 25% TOEIC: 15% ( 為配合高教深耕計畫,本課程實施英語文能力檢測,佔學期成績15%)
Group Project
1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary lookup or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.


Date Major Textbook TOEIC Book Assignments
3/5 Orientation
Quiz 1 (Unit 6)
TOEIC Resource
#1 Preview Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients.
As a group, post 1 or 2 sentences that your group do not quite understand. (Due on 3/10)
3/12 Unit 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
Quiz 2 (Unit 7)
How to talk about health problems in English?
TOEIC 168-177 #2 Watch the video and learn how to talk about health problems in English. Look up the dictionary for any unknown words.
– Review the article and finish the exercises on page 57 & 58.
3/19 Unit 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
Quiz 3 (Vocabulary from Unit 3.1)
TOEIC 178-186 #3 Preview Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight and post your sentences on BB. (due on 3/24)
3/26 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight TOEIC 188-197 #4 Preview Chapter 5.1 Types of Intelligence and post your sentences on BB. (due on 3/31)
4/2 Holiday (No Class) TOEIC 198-208 #5 Preview Chapter 5.2  Transforming students’ motivation to learn and post your sentences on BB. (due on 4/7)
4/9 5.1 Types of Intelligence (p.106)
5.2 Transforming students’ motivation to learn
1. The Queen’s coronavirus address: ‘We will meet again’
2. Coronavirus: Queen tells UK ‘we will succeed’ in fight
3.  “I’ll be reborn, you will be reborn”
TOEIC 210-217 Finish the exercises in the four chapters.
4/16 1. The History of Easter?
2. Andrea Bocelli gives unique, emotional performance on Easter Sunday
Quiz 4 (TOEIC and Vocabulary from Unit 3.3, 5.1, 5.2)
4/23 Midterm Exam
4/30 Guideline to the term project (member)
News website
TOEIC 218-227 #6 Preview Chapter 6.1 The one week job and post your sentence on BB. (due on 5/5)
5/7 Chapter 6.1 The one week job: 52 jobs in 52 weeks
Members and news ready
TOEIC 228-237 Finish the exercises (Chapter 6.1).
#7 Your ppt ready about next Tuesday (midnight) noon. Submit your first version to BB.
5/14 Chapter 6.3 Eight keys to employability TOEIC 238-246 #8 Your talkscript ready by next Tuesday (midnight). Submit your first version to BB.
5/21 Presentation 1 (G1 to G11) TOEIC 248-257
5/28 Presentation 2 (G12 to 22) TOEIC 258-264
6/4 TOEIC 深耕計畫
6/11 Quiz 5
1. VOA Learning English
2. MIT OpenCourseWare
6/18 Quiz 6 & wrap-up
6/25 Independent study
7/2 Independent study

1. Cambridge bilingual dictionary (
2. Longman (
3. Oxford (
4. Yahoo Kimo (

Screen Recorder
1. Screencast-O-Matic (free)
2. PowerCam (one-month trial)

Some tools
1. Random name picker!
2. Names (total)
3. Groups (10)

News Project (link)

2020 Spring: 大一通識 English 2


Course: English 2 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 大一英文 學分/時數: 2/2
Email: Time/Location:  Wednesday (13:30 to 15:15)
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:
Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014)  Online materials and handouts.
Overview of the course
This is a one-year four-skill integrated course that prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentations.
對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決
Grading Policy
Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 40% Midterm Exam: 20% Project: 25%
TOEIC: 15% ( 為配合高教深耕計畫,本課程實施英語文能力檢測,佔學期成績15%)
Group Project
To be announced
1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary lookup or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.


Date Major Textbook Assignments
3/4 Orientation
TOEIC Preparation Resource
#1 Preview Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients.
As a group, post 1 or 2 sentences your group does not quite understand on Blackboard. (Due on 3/9)
3/11 Unit 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
How to talk about health problems in English?
#2 Watch the video and learn how to talk about health problems in English. Look up the dictionary for any unknown words.
– Review the article and finish the exercises on page 57 & 58.
3/18 Unit 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
Quiz 1: Vocabulary, T&F
#3 Preview Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight and post your sentences on BB. (due on 3/23)
3/25 3.3 Water is  shown to help people lose weight #4 Preview Chapter 5.1 Types of Intelligence and post your sentences on BB. (due on 3/30)
4/1 Discuss the exercise (Unit 3.3)
5.1 Types of Intelligence (p.106)
Multiple intelligence (video1video 2)
#5 Preview Chapter 5.2 Transforming students’ motivation to learn and post your sentences on BB. (due on 4/6)
4/8 Chapter 5.2 Transforming students’ motivation to learn
4/15 Review and discussion
Quiz 2 (Vocabulary from Chapter 3.3, 5.1, 5.2)
4/22 Midterm Exam
4/29 Term Project (25%)
– Members (link) Find your member and decide the news you would like to report (Tue. 5/5 midnight)
– Guideline to the term project
– News website
#6 Preview Chapter 6.1 The one week job and post your sentence on BB. (due on 5/4)


5/6 Chapter 6.1 The one week job: 52 jobs in 52 weeks
Members and news ready
#7 PPT ready and upload it to BB. (due on 5/11).
Finish the exercises.
5/13 Chapter 6.1 The one week job: 52 jobs in 52 weeks
Members and news ready
More discussion on the project.
#8 Your talkscript ready on BB.
5/20 TOEIC (深耕計畫 15%) 地點: 承曦樓 702 請自備耳機 
5/27 Presentation 1 (G1to G9)
6/3 Presentation 2 (G10 to 18)
6/10 1. Discussion on the midterm exam.
2. Some online materials
A. VOA Learning English
B. MIT OpenCourseWare
6/17 Quiz 3 Chapter 6.1 and 20 words from the project
6/24 Independent study
7/1 Independent study

1. Cambridge bilingual dictionary (
2. Longman (
3. Oxford (
4. Yahoo Kimo (

1. Screencast-O-Matic (free)
2. PowerCam (one-month trial)

Some tools
1. Random name picker!
2. Names (total)

1. News Project (link)

2020 Spring: 二技財金一年甲班 English

Course: English 4 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 財金系二技英文 學分/時數: 2/2
Email: Time/Location:  Wednesday (10:00 to 12:00)
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:
Online materials to be announced.
Overview of the course
This one-semester class will focus on developing and improving students’ academic listening and speaking skills. Students will listen and respond to a variety of topics, determine the purpose of listening, use multiple strategies to monitor their listening and comprehension, and be able to express their thoughts and opinions in English. Class activities include pre-class listening, in-class group discussion, individual sharing, teacher demonstration, and after-class assignments.對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決
Grading Policy
Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 45% Project: 25% TOEIC: 12% Quiz: 18%
Group Project
To be announced.
Participation and Attendance
1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.

Blog list
Term Project

Date Major Textbook Assignments
3/4 Orientation
Creating your blog (
#1 Create your blog and briefly introduce yourself (at least 50 words)
Due on March 9.

  • Preview the article we will discuss next week.
3/11 Podcast and language learning
How to Improve your listening skills through podcasts
7 Reasons Why Podcasts Are Changing the Way We Learn English
A list of podcasts
#2 Listen to Why do people like sad music (at least twice) and study and talkscript.
1. Post 3 new words you learn.
2. Look up the words in the dictionary.
3. Provide their definition and one good example each. due on March 15.
4. Download BBC learning Engish app and install it on your mobile phone. 
3/18 Six Minute English 1
Why do people like sad music?
#3 Please recommend a sad song. On your blog, include:
1. Name of the song and singer
2. Embed the music video, if any; or put the link to the video
3.  Briefly introduce the song or tell us why you recommend the song. (50 words, as least)
Due on March 23. 
3/25 Why do people like sad music?
More Discussion and sharing
#4 Listen and read the article Working for free. 
1. Post 2 new words you learn.
2. Look up the words in the dictionary.
3. Provide their definition and one good example each.
4. What’s your opinion about ” Working for free” been discussed in this episode. (50 words at least)
Due on March 30.
4/1 Six Minute English 2
Working for free
#5 Listen and read “Is tourism harmful”. 
1. Post 2 new words you learn. 
2. Provide their definition and one good example each. 
3. What’s your opinion? Do you think tourism is harmful? Why or why not? (50 words at least) Due on 4/6
4/8 Six Minute English 3
1. The Queen’s coronavirus address: ‘We will meet again’
2. “I’ll be reborn, you will be reborn.”
3. Coronavirus: Queen tells UK ‘we will succeed’ in fight 

3. Is tourism harmful?
1. Review all the articles/websites we discussed so far.
2. Self-study: Are you at risk from online fraud? If you have any question, we can discuss next week. 
4/15 1. Is tourism harmful?
2. The History of Easter?
3. Andrea Bocelli gives unique, emotional performance on Easter Sunday
4. More discussion & review
4/22 Quiz
4/29 TOEIC Test (Computer Lab) Time: from 9:00 to 12:00
5/6 1. News for kids (
2. Dogonews (
3. BBC (
4. CNN (
#6 Find your group members and decide on a topic.
Your ppt (first draft done) by next Wednesday.
5/13 More discussion on the project
Talkscript and PPT (v1)
#7 G1 to G6, upload all your files to BB (before Tuesday noon)
5/20 Presentation (G1 to G6)
5/27 Presentation 2 (G7 to G14)
6/3 Presentation 3 (G15 to the end) Please explore the following four websites and be ready to talk about them next week:
1. TED Talk
2. MIT OpenCourseWare

3. edX
4. Open Yale Courses
6/10 Some other online English learning resources
1. VOA Learning English
2. TED Talk
3. MIT OpenCourseWare
4. Open Yale Courses
5. edX
1. Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
2. Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python
6/17 Comments & Wrap-up
6/24 Independent study
7/1 Independent study

1. Cambridge bilingual dictionary (
2. Longman (
3. Oxford (
4. Yahoo Kimo (

Screen Recorder
1. Screencast-O-Matic (free)
2. PowerCam (one-month trial)

Some tools
1. Name picker

1. News project (link)

2020 Spring: 五專財稅四年甲班 English 4

Course: English 4 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 五專財稅系四年級 學分/時數: 3/3
Email: Time/Location:  Tuesday (9:10 to 12:00 am.)
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:
1.Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014). NT $485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃政瑋先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027#407)
2. New TOEIC Test 多益一站800字彙 眾文出版社 (王小姐 02-8369-1198 ext: 24 ) NT$277 (原價 $350)
3. Online materials and handouts.
Overview of the course
This is a one-year four-skill integrated course that prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentations.
對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決
Grading Policy
Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 40% Midterm Exam: 20% Term Project: 25% TOEIC: 15% ( 為配合高教深耕計畫,本課程實施英語文能力檢測,佔學期成績15%)
Group Project
News Project
1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary lookup or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.
Date Major Textbook TOEIC Book Assignments
3/3 Orientation
Quiz 1: TOEIC (Unit 6)
#1 Preview Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients.
As a group, post 1 or 2 sentences your group does not quite understand on Blackboard. (Due on 3/8)
3/10 Unit 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
Quiz 2: TOEIC (Unit 7)
How to talk about health problems in English?
TOEIC 168-177 #2 Watch the video and learn how to talk about health problems in English. Look up the dictionary for any unknown words.
Review the article and finish the exercises on page 57 & 58.
3/17 Unit 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients TOEIC 178-186 #3 Preview Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight and post your sentences on BB. (due on 3/22)
3/24 Unit 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight
Quiz 3 TOEIC & Chapter 3.1
TOEIC 188-197 #4 Preview Chapter 5.1 Types of Intelligence and post your sentences on BB. (due on 3/29)
3/31 Discuss the exercise (Unit 3.3)
5.1 Types of Intelligence (p.106)
Multiple intelligence (video1; video 2)
TOEIC 198-208 #5 Preview Chapter 5.2 Transforming students’ motivation to learn and post your sentences on BB. (due on 4/5)
Review 5.1
4/7 5.2 Transforming students’ motivation to learn (p.113) TOEIC 210-217
4/14 Review and discussion
Quiz 4 TOEIC and Vocabulary from Chapter 5.1 & 5.2
4/21 Midterm Exam
4/28 Guideline to the term project
News website
TOEIC 218-227 #6 Preview Chapter 6.1 The one week job and post your sentence on BB. (due on 5/3)
5/5 Chapter 6.1 The one week job: 52 jobs in 52 weeks
Members and news ready
Screen-recording skills
Pronunciation Skills
TOEIC 228-237 Finish the exercises (Chapter 6.1).
More practice on your project.
5/12 Be ready to share your work so far. (all the group) TOEIC 238-246
5/19 Presentation 1 (G1 to G9) TOEIC 248-257
5/26 Presentation 2 (G10 to G19) TOEIC 258-264
6/2 TOEIC 深耕計畫
6/9 Quiz 5
For Independent study:
1. VOA Learning English
2. Six Minute English
6/16 Discussion and wrap-up Grammarly
MIT OpenCourseWare
6/23 Independent study
6/30 Independent study

1. Cambridge bilingual dictionary (
2. Longman (
3. Oxford (
4. Yahoo Kimo (

Screen Recorder
1. Screencast-O-Matic (free)
2. PowerCam (one-month trial)

Some tools
1. Random name picker!
2. Total (

1. News Project (link)

2019 Fall: Reflection paper

  1. The paper must be typed.
  2. The paper should be 360 to 500 words (about 1.5 to 2 pages, 1.5 spaced).
  3. Writing should use formal English, correct spelling and punctuation.
  4. Topics may include any information covered in class, from the Six Minute English, TED Talk, your midterm project, to your blog writing, or your class activities.
  5. Consider the followings when writing your reflection:
    1. How do you like the Six Minute English website, as your language learning resource?
    2. How do you like TED Talk, as your language learning resource?
    3. Have your blogging skills improved over time? Do you think it’s a good idea to create and maintain a blog as part of the course? or you prefer to hand paper and pencil homework.  Why?
    4. How do you like the pair work or group work in class? Did you exchange information and express your thoughts in English with your peers?
    5. What have we studied/learned so far that interest you?
    6. What new things have you learned?
    7. Would what you have learned change your English learning behavior in the future?
  6. Deadline: Please submit your reflection paper to Blackboard before 12/16 (Monday). Please also hand in a hard copy when you come to the class on Wednesday.

重要提醒: Writing a reflection helps you find what is meaningful to you and adds value to your learning. Do not simply outline or summarize the materials we have covered. I want to know what the materials mean to you.

2019 Fall: 大二通識 English(3)-Blogs

Blogs (Fall, 2019)


ID Chinese English Class Blog
1 1074A016 趙曼昀 Mandy 四技企管二乙
2 1074B063 陳欣怡 Betty 四技企管二乙
3 N1072401 許景存 Kelly 四技企管二乙
4 10745020 蔡育琳 Linda 四技企管二甲
5 10745037 杜月禎 Benjamin 四技企管二甲
6 10742001 陳孟瑩 Lucy 四技財金二甲
7 10742021 蔡景舟 Joe 四技財金二甲
8 10742025 周怡伶 Joanne 四技財金二甲
9 N1072414 王仁豪 Rick 四技財金二甲
10 N1074408 童奕霆 Tom 四技財金二甲
11 10743092 許恩杰 Jay 四技財稅二乙
12 N1074404 陳姿伃 Mandy 四技財稅二乙
13 N1074423 陳芝婷 Kimmy 四技財稅二乙
14 10743017 陳永霈 Paul 四技財稅二甲
15 10743029 簡欣兪 Joyce 四技財稅二甲
16 10744079 冀虹晴 Rainbow 四技商務二乙
17 10744083 洪雅筠 Bonnie 四技商務二乙
18 10744105 趙敬宜 Janie 四技商務二乙
19 1074A038 吳羽璿 Penny 四技商務二乙
20 10744015 張維聿 Arthur 四技商務二甲
21 10744023 廖家涓 Jennifer 四技商務二甲
22 10744026 何艾珺 Nicole 四技商務二甲
23 10744035 黃維霆 Eric 四技商務二甲
24 10744038 李冠賢 Scott 四技商務二甲
25 10744043 謝景皓 Jim 四技商務二甲
26 N1071413 蔡亞潔 Amy 四技商務二甲
27 N1076408 翁甄宜 Elaine 四技商務二甲
28 10741063 陳泳錡 Anne 四技會資二乙
29 10741064 梁晴雯 Winnie 四技會資二乙
30 10741066 蕭國興 Jason 四技會資二乙
31 10741067 康禎玲 Maggie 四技會資二乙
32 10741069 吳屏璇 Joanne 四技會資二乙
33 10741019 林彥廷 Ian 四技會資二甲
34 10746012 詹仲 Peter 四技資管二甲
35 10746021 王崧豪 Jason 四技資管二甲
36 10746024 陳柏亘 Jack 四技資管二甲
37 10746033 王冠渝 Gary 四技資管二甲 1.
38 10746036 陳勇進 Hugo 四技資管二甲

2019 Fall: 五專財金四年甲班 English 4

Course: English 4 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 五專財金系四年級 學分/時數: 3/3
Email: Time/Location:  Thursday (9:10 to 12:00 am.) Room 4
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:
1.Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014). NT $485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃政瑋先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027#407)
2. New TOEIC Test 多益一站800字彙 眾文出版社 (王小姐 02-8369-1198 ext: 24 )
3. Online materials and handouts.
Overview of the course
This is a one-year four-skill integrated course which prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentation.
對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決
Grading Policy
Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 40% Midterm Exam: 20% Project: 25% TOEIC: 15% ( 為配合高教深耕計畫,本課程實施英語文能力檢測,佔學期成績15%)
Group Project
1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary lookup or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.
Date Major Textbook TOEIC Book Assignments
9/12 Orientation
Background Questionnaire
9/19 Chapter 1 Reading One Tony the traveller
Do you like traveling?
TOEIC Unit 1 (2-11) 1. Finish the exercises.
2. Preview Reading Two and look up the words you do not understand in the book. Write the definition next to the words.
9/26 1. Chapter 1 Reading One Tony the traveller
2. Tony’s website
3. The Blind Traveller trying to visit every country in the world – BBC Travel Show (Video)
4. Blind Man Travelling Solo (TED Talk)
Quiz 1
TOEIC Unit 1 (12-21) 1, Visit Tony’s website and know more about him.
2. Preview Reading Two and look up the words you do not understand in the book. Write the definition next to the words.
10/3 Chapter 1 Reading Two
The benefits of studying abroad
TOEIC Unit 2 (22-31)
10/10 Holiday (No Class) TOEIC Unit 2 (32-41)
10/17 Quiz 2
Language Proficiency Test
TOEIC Unit 3 (42-51) Preview Chapter 2 Reading 1
10/24 Chapter 2 Reading One
Mangoes and Magnolias
TOEIC Unit 3 (52-61)
10/31 Chapter 2 Reading Two Poems about Personal Identity
Quiz 3 (Vocabulary from the textbook)
How to make a jack o lantern
The history of Jack o Lantern
Halloween (Chinese)
Halloween (English)
11/7 Midterm Exam
11/14 Guideline of the group project TOEIC Unit 3 (62-71)
11/21 Presentation Skills (1) TOEIC Unit 3 (72-81)
11/28 – Discussion on Midterm
– Presentation Skills (2)
– Origin of Thanksgiving
Quiz 4
TOEIC Unit 4 (82-91)
12/5 1. Eight secrets of success (Speed, body language, quality of ppt)
2. What’s wrong with our food system (speed, body language
3. A twelve-year-old app developer
4. Try something new for 30 days (speed, body language, facial expression, powerpoint slide, humor)
5. Grit: The power of passion and perseverance.
TOEIC Unit 4 (92-101)
12/12 G1 The way I am, by Charlie Puth
G2 Speechless, by Naomi Scott
G3 Audition, by Ema Stone & Ryan Gosling
TOEIC Unit 4 (102-111)
12/19 G4 A thousand years, by Christina Perri
G5 Shallow, by Lady GaGa
G6 The greatest show, by
TOEIC Unit 5 (112-122)
12/26 G7 Capital letters, by Hailee Steinfeld
G8 Head above water, by Avril Lavigne
G9 See you again, by Wiz Khalifa
1/2 Quiz 5
1/9 Discussion & Wrap-up Winter Assignment
Unit 6 & Unit 7

1.Cambridge (
2. Longman (
3. Oxford (
4. Yahoo kimo (

Some tools
1. Random name picker!

2019 Fall: 大二通識 English 3



Course: English (三) 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 大二通識 學分/時數: 2/2
Email: Time/Location:  15:25 to 17:10 (Room 7)
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:

  1. Six Minute English
  2. TED Talk
  3. Class handouts
  4. Other free online materials (to be announced)
  5. Blogs
Overview of the course
This is a one-year four-skill integrated course which prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentation.
對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決
Grading Policy
Six Minute English Project: 20%
Assignments & Quizzes (in-class & after-class): 65%
TOEIC: 15% (深耕計畫&post-listening)
Group Project

  1. You need to attend class and submit all class work on time. There will be weekly listening and writing activities along with the group and individual projects. The syllabus is subject to change.
  2. Preparation for the next class is required because the class will be conducted based on the assumption that students have prepared for the class. Finish listening to the assigned audio/video files before the class and bring up questions about the topic. Be in class on time.
  3. Homework must be turned in on-time. No late work will be accepted.
  4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials discussed in and after the class. No make-up tests.
  5. Participation is crucial to the success of your learning. You’re expected to ask questions, answer questions, and share information in different ways.
  6. You’re responsible for getting class notes and handouts, if late or absent from class. Absence from class will not be an acceptable excuse for missing assignments or tests.
  7. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary lookup or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.

Our Blogs

Date Major Textbook Useful Links Assignments
  • Orientation
  • Students sign the consent form
  • Create your online blog (link)
  • How to create a google blog? (link)
Create your blog
1. sign in to blogger (with your google account; or create a new account)
2. Change the default language from Chinese to English
3. Name your title
4. Decide your blog address (URL)
5. Choose a template
6. Click create blog
1. Create your blog and type the URL of your blog here. (link)
2. Assignment #1 My new plan this year! (at least 50 words) Due on 9/16 (Monday)
9/18 Listening, Speaking & Writing 1. Assignment #2 Are the speaking and listening tasks difficult for you?  What are the challenges you often face when you listen and speak in English? (Due on 9/23)
A. Read aloud (a short paragraph & a conversation)
B. Express your thought (1 minute)
C. Retell the story (4 minutes)
2. Preview the video: What is a Podcast
3. Browse the website: Six Minute English
9/25 Assignment #3
Listen to the podcast (Transport of the future) at least twice
2. Look up the words you think are difficult and important to you.
3. List 5 words you learn. (word, definition, one example sentence each)
Due on 9/30
10/2 Six Minute English 1
Transport of the future
1. Hyperloop One
2. Hyperloop Transport Concept – 3D Animation
Assignment #4
1. Your thoughts about the topic we discussed today. You can comment on the Hyperloop system (strengths, risks, realistic or not), you can also comment on the transport system here in Taiwan (the problem and your suggestion).
2. Listen to Are you hungry when you are angry. Be ready for some questions next week.
10/9 Six Minute English 2
Are you hungry when you are angry
  • Begin to prepare for your midterm project
    • Select an episode of your interest
    • Listen to the audio file and imitate the way the hosts broadcast.
    • Practice as many times as possible with your group members (be as fluent as possible)
    • Two will be the hosts and on will be the expert.
Assignment #5
Listen to Can you trust a smart speaker, and answer the following three questions: (A) Do you have a smart speaker at home? (B) What is a smart speaker? (C) How does a smart speaker work? (at least 50 words)
Due on 10/14
10/16 Six Minute English 3
Can you trust a smart speaker?
  • Decide your group members
  • Decide your topic (if possible)

Google Assistant (Chinese)
Google Speaker (English)

Grouping & Topics
1. Discuss with your group members and decide on a topic. Begin to prepare for your midterm project.
2. Link to your group members. (link)
Due on 10/21 (Monday)
10/23 Documents to hand in:
1. Your recorded video
2. Midterm Project Form (link)
3. 6 Minute English PDF handout
  • Showtime
    • G3 Coffee cups: do you use your own? (by Gary, Tom, Rick)
    • G7 Vampire shoppers (by Penny, Rainbow, Bonnie)
    • G5 Why does ‘x’ mean ‘kiss’? (by Hugo, Jason, Peter)
  • Language Proficiency Test (高教深耕) 2 B 鉛筆
  • Upload your files (video, and a document file, along with the PDF handout to Blackboard system. (due on 10/29 Tues & 11/4 Mon)
  • Please upload the files to your blog as well.
11/6 Showtime (9 to 10 groups) Link to your Six Minute English project (link)
  • What is TED Talk
  • TED Talk and English Learning
Assignment #6
1. Listen to the assigned talk at least two times.
2. Embed the talk to your blog.
3. Write down 5 keywords you learn from the talk
4. The power of passion and perseverance
5. Introduce the talk (within 3 sentences)
Due on 11/18
11/20 TED Talk 1
The power of passion and perseverance
Assignment #7
1. Listen to the assigned talk at least two times.
Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
2. Embed the talk to your blog.
3. Write down 3 keywords you learn from the talk
4. Summarize the talk (within 5 sentences)
Due on 11/25
11/27 TED Talk 2
Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

  • to record your voice for free.
  • just click the record button
  • after you finish recording, you can: 
    • listen to it
    • Email it to your friends
    • Embed it into your blogs
    • Link it to the Vocaroo page
    • Download as a WAV file
Assignment #8 
1. Do you procrastinate sometimes? Why do you procrastinate? How to stop procrastinating?  (at least 50 seconds)
*** This time, let’s try voice blog. Post your audio recording first, and then your texts.2. Preview TED Talk 3
12/4 TED Talk 3
What makes a good life?
Assignment #9
1. Briefly introduce the Harvard study on happiness; 2. Are you surprised by Dr. Robert’s findings? 3. According to your opinion, what makes a good life? (at least 1 minute)
*** Let’s do what you did last week. Post your audio recording first, and then your text.
12/11 Discussion Assignment $10 (10%)
Reflection Paper
12/18 Speaking test
A. Read aloud (a short paragraph & a conversation)
B. Express your thought (1 minute)
C. Retell the story (4 minutes)
12/26 Listening and Evaluation
1/1 Holiday (No Class)
1/8 Wrap-up

1. Longman (
2. Oxford (
3. Cambridge (
4. Yahoo kimo (

Some tools
1. Random name picker!

2019 Fall: 大一通識 English 1


Course: English (一) 授課教師: 賴淑麗 Shu-li (Sally) Lai
授課班級: 四技通識 (一) 學分/時數: 2/2
Email: Time/Location:  13:30 to 15:15 (Room 7)
研究室: 承曦樓 904 (by appointment) Course website:
1.Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014). NT $485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃政瑋先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027#407)
2. Online materials and handouts.
Overview of the course
This is a one-year four-skill integrated course which prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentation.
對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決
Grading Policy
Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 40% Midterm Exam: 20% Project: 25% TOEIC: 15% ( 為配合高教深耕計畫,本課程實施英語文能力檢測,佔學期成績15%)
Group Project
1. If you have to miss a class for an unavoidable reason (e.g., sick leave, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
2. No late assignments or make-up tests will be allowed.
3. Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class time. Unless it’s used for dictionary lookup or for information searching, please don’t use your mobile phone during class time.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials in the textbooks and the materials presented in class. Please preview and review the class materials every week.
Date Major Textbook Task Assignments
9/11 Orientation
Preview Chapter 1
9/18 Chapter 1 Reading One Tony the traveler
Do you like traveling?
外商英語如何說 1. Finish reading Tony the Traveler.
9/25 1. Chapter 1 Reading One Tony the traveler
2. Tony’s  website
3. The Blind Traveller trying to visit every country in the world – BBC Travel Show (Video)
1. Finish the exercises on Page 5, 6, & 7.
2. Preview Reading Two
10/2 Chapter 1 Reading Two
The benefits of studying abroad

2. 學生透過以下帳號登入後也可看到當學期的所有課程!

1. Finish the exercises on Page 12, 13, 14.
2. Review Reading Two
10/9 Language Proficiency Test Preview Chapter 2 Reading 1 Mangoes and Magnolias.
10/16 Chapter 2 Reading One
Mangoes and Magnolias
1. Pumpkin season
2. Pumpkin season
Preview Chapter 2 Reading 2
10/23 Chapter 2 Reading Two
Quiz 1 (Vocabulary only)
International Sloth Day
10/30 Discussion and Review How to make a jack o lantern
The history of Jack o Lantern
Halloween (Chinese)
11/6 Midterm Exam
11/13 Guideline of the group project
11/20 Presentation Skill (1)
11/27 Presentation Skill (2)
12/4 1. Eight secrets of success (Speed, body language, quality of ppt)
2. What’s wrong with our food system (speed, body language
3. A twelve-year-old app developer
4. Try something new for 30 days (speed, body language, facial expression, powerpoint slide, humor)
5. Grit: The power of passion and perseverance.
– Handout on presentation Skills
– Origin of Thanksgiving
12/11 G1 Boy in the bubble
G2 Love story
12/18 G3 Castle on the hill
G4 A whole new world
12/25 G5 Lose Yourself
G6 Last Christmas
G7 Bye Bye
1/1 Holiday (No Class)
1/8 Discussion

1. Cambridge (
2. Longman (
3. Oxford (
4. Yahoo kimo (

Some tools
1. Random name picker!